• 2022-06-07
    执行下面的一段C程序后,变量x的值为______。 charx=200; int a=300; BOOL flag; int value1, value2; value1=200: value2=300; if(flag&&((value1=value2)==200)) x=x+a;
    A: 0
    B: 200
    C: 300
    D: 500
  • B


    • 0

      下面类的索引定义或使用正确的是()。 A: class MyClass{ int x; int y; public int this[int index] { get{ if (index==0) return x; else return y; }}} B: class MyClass{ int x; int y; public int this[int index] { set{ if (index==0) x=value; else y=value; }}} C: class MyClass{ int x; int y; public int INDEX[int index] { get{ if (index==0) return x; else return y; } set{ if (index==0) x=value; else y=value; }}} D: class MyClass{ int x; int y; public int this[int index] { get{ if (index==0) return x; else return y; } set{ if (index==0) x=value; else y=value; }}}

    • 1

      HTML代码:[br][/br] Header 1 Value 1[ t的] Value 2 jQuery代码: $("tr:eq(1)").html() 结果: A: Value 1 B: Value 1 C: Value 2 D: Header 12

    • 2

      int index = 1; int foo = new int ; int bar = foo [index]; int baz = bar + index; What is the result?() A: Baz has the value of 0 B: Baz has the value of 1 C: Baz has the value of 2 D: An exception is thrown. E: The code will not compile.

    • 3

      Defined: int x=3, y=4, z=5; The value of the expression!(x+y) +z-1 && y+z/2 is(). A: 6 B: 0 C: 2 D: 1

    • 4

      已知列表x = [1, 3, 2],那么表达式[value for index, value in enumerate() if index==2]的值为______()_______。 A: [1] B: [3] C: 3 D: [2]