• 2022-06-07
  • 错误


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      above the salt‌‍‌

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      关于UNIX密码文件中的Salt,以下说法不正确的是( )。 A: Salt值是随机数 B: Salt可以重复使用 C: Salt可以提高离线字典攻击的穷举空间 D: 使用Salt,一个口令字符串的hash值最多可以有2^12种不同的输出

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      后缀-y salt _______

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      3、 What is the author's suggestion to sodium consumption? A: Eat lemons instead of excessive salt to cut down sodium consumption. B: Take in as less salt as possible for the sake of health. C: Take in at least 800mg of salt every day. D: Never take in salt but citric acid to keep fit.

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      The<br/>full form of SALT:______ .