• 2022-06-07
    "Sleep defensively" means that ______.
    A: people should go to a doctor and have their problems diagnosed
    B: people should exercise immediately before going to bed every night
    C: people should sacrifice other things to get enough sleep if necessary
    D: people should give up going to bed and getting up at the same time every day
  • C


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      She ________ at 10:30 every evening. A: go to bed B: is getting up C: goes to bed D: is get up

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      Better to exercise patience. First wait for the people on the other side to go offline and then you should sign out.

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      Some people really like to get up early in the morning. They enjoy being awake (醒来) before the mst of the world. They also get a lot of work done early in the day. We call these kinds of people morning people. Other people like to sleep late. They enjoy being awake at night when the mst of the world is sleeping. They get a lot of work done late at night. These people are called night owts (猫头鹰). Morning people have ______ early in the day. A: a meeting B: much work to do C: exercise to do

    • 3

      Children of young age should have ______ hours’ sleep every day.

    • 4

      According to the passage, British philosopher Bertrand Russell supported the idea that ________. A: work is virtuous B: people should work fourteen hours a day in most industrialized countries C: people should work only four hours a day D: people should set aside more time to develop personal relationships