• 2022-06-08
    The contour lines on the plane are the lines parallel to the H-plane in the plane.
  • 内容

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      For plane bending the characteristics of deformation are ( ). A: The cross section remains plane when bent; B: The axis after deformation is a plane curve; C: All external loads act on the same plane; D: The axis after deformation is in the same plane with the loading plane.

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      The process of listening to music can be divided on three hypothetical planes: the sensuous plane, the expressive plane and the sheerly musical plane.

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      Let's go to Paris _____________. A: by plane B: by a plane C: a plane D: by the plane

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      中国大学MOOC: 直立摆放的圆柱,左右轮廓素线在左视图中的投影在哪里?Where is the projection of generating lines in the left view when the axis of a cylinder is right to the projection plane of H-projection plane?

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      “Board the plane” means _________. A: go out of the plane B: leave the plane C: enter the plane D: run away