• 2022-06-08
    How many regions would 79 lines separate a 2-D plane? Assume that no three lines cross at the same point, i.e. lines only cross in pairs.
  • 3161


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      _____ ______ refers to lines of iambic pentameter in rhyming in pairs.

    • 1

      Basically, lines can be used in three ways in drawing: to be used as contour lines, hatching lines, and cross-hatching lines.

    • 2

      Construction lines are the only lines on a drawing which should be light.

    • 3

      The leader lines of part number in assembly drawing are allowed to cross from each other.(True or false: 10 points)

    • 4

      Which of the following lines are used as dimension lines, extension lines, leader lines, construction lines, section lines and projection lines?( ) A: Thin phantom lines B: Thin solid lines C: Thin center lines D: Wavy lines