A: Automatic Transaction Machine
B: Automatic Translation Machine
C: Automatic Teller Machine
- 智慧职教: 语音识别是机器自动语音识别(Automatic Speech Recognition by Machine)的简称。
- AI is the abbreviation of ( ). A: Automatic Intelligence B: Artificial Intelligence C: Automatic Information D: Artificial Information
- What does CAT stand for? A: Computerized Assistance for Translation B: Computer-Assisted Transaction C: Computer-Aided Translation D: Computer Automatic Translation
- (2)The company's vehicles are equipped with ________. A: up-to-date video players B: the latest computer systems C: a new model of card reader D: an automatic quoting machine
- Which of the following belongs to smart agriculture: A: automatic dripping and irrigation system B: large-scale machine operation C: universal use of chemical fertilizers D: application of transgenic technology
- 0
Compared with ordinary CNC machine tools, the most significant difference between a machining center is ( ) and ( ). A: servosystem B: magazine tool C: numerical control device D: automatic tool changer
- 1
【单选题】It is duo to the fact that the automatic pilot is not up to the standard A. The cause is the automatic pilot being out of order B. The cause is substandard the automatic pilot C. The fact is the automatic pilot is up to the standard D. The fact is the automatic pilot is out of order
- 2
The result of machine translation is now satisfactory for most purposes.
- 3
The NC machine tool system contains the machine control unit (MCU) and the ( ) A: Machine B: Machine tool C: NC
- 4
What is the main function of intelligent vehicle?(). A: Automatic<br/>review and reasonable obstacle avoidance B: Automatic<br/>search and reasonable obstacle avoidance C: Automatic<br/>search and reasonable obstacle bypassing D: Automatic<br/>search and reasonable passenger avoidance