In ( ), the first China College Students “Internet+” Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition is hosted A:
In ( ), the first China College Students “Internet+” Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition is hosted A:
The China College Students “Internet+” Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition is held every two years.
The China College Students “Internet+” Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition is held every two years.
"Internet+" modern agriculture, including ( ). A: agriculture B: forestry C: fishing D: animal husbandry
"Internet+" modern agriculture, including ( ). A: agriculture B: forestry C: fishing D: animal husbandry
In 2005, Sichuna University hosted the first China College Students “Internet+” Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition.
In 2005, Sichuna University hosted the first China College Students “Internet+” Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition.
The China College Students’ “Internet+” Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition is a nationwide scientific and technological innovation activity only for graduates.
The China College Students’ “Internet+” Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition is a nationwide scientific and technological innovation activity only for graduates.
ЗачтобеспокоитлюдейглобальностьсетиInternet? A: ОтсутствуетрегулированиесетиInternetнаосновемеждународныхсоглашений. B: СетьInternetвлияетнарегиональныеинациональныерынки. C: НасетиInternetсоздаетсяединоепространстводляэкономическойдеятельности. D: Сетьнеможетбытьотнесенакодномуилидругомугосударству.
ЗачтобеспокоитлюдейглобальностьсетиInternet? A: ОтсутствуетрегулированиесетиInternetнаосновемеждународныхсоглашений. B: СетьInternetвлияетнарегиональныеинациональныерынки. C: НасетиInternetсоздаетсяединоепространстводляэкономическойдеятельности. D: Сетьнеможетбытьотнесенакодномуилидругомугосударству.
Internet与internet之间的区别在于( ) A: Internet是一种互联网,而internet不是 B: internet是一种互联网,而Internet不是 C: Internet含义泛指,而internet含义特指 D: internet含义泛指,而Internet含义特指
Internet与internet之间的区别在于( ) A: Internet是一种互联网,而internet不是 B: internet是一种互联网,而Internet不是 C: Internet含义泛指,而internet含义特指 D: internet含义泛指,而Internet含义特指
Why do so many of us love to surf internet?? Internet is informative|Internet is convenient|Internet is fun|Internet is a paradise;
Why do so many of us love to surf internet?? Internet is informative|Internet is convenient|Internet is fun|Internet is a paradise;
【多选题】下面关于Internet与internet说法正确的是: A. Internet指的是因特网 B. Internet指的是互联网 C. internet指的是因特网 D. internet指的是互联网
【多选题】下面关于Internet与internet说法正确的是: A. Internet指的是因特网 B. Internet指的是互联网 C. internet指的是因特网 D. internet指的是互联网
物联网的英文名称是( )? A: Internet of People B: Internet of Theorys C: Internet of Things D: Internet of Vehicle
物联网的英文名称是( )? A: Internet of People B: Internet of Theorys C: Internet of Things D: Internet of Vehicle