31.你只有一个选择:要么信守诺言,要么失去我们的信任。 A: You have but one choice: either to follow through on your promise, or to lose our trust. B: You have oneoption: eithergothrough on your promise, or lose ourbelieve. C: A. You have but one option: or to follow through on your promise, or to loss our trust. D: A. You have one choice: either to go through on your promise, or to loss our believe.
31.你只有一个选择:要么信守诺言,要么失去我们的信任。 A: You have but one choice: either to follow through on your promise, or to lose our trust. B: You have oneoption: eithergothrough on your promise, or lose ourbelieve. C: A. You have but one option: or to follow through on your promise, or to loss our trust. D: A. You have one choice: either to go through on your promise, or to loss our believe.