()与支扩剂治疗相比可显著降低急性加重。 A: 含ICS疗法 B: 疫苗接种 C: LABA D: LAMA/LABA
()与支扩剂治疗相比可显著降低急性加重。 A: 含ICS疗法 B: 疫苗接种 C: LABA D: LAMA/LABA
下列哪项不是药物治疗不良反应的危险因素?() A: 频繁口服糖皮质激素 B: 长期高剂量/高效能ICS C: 长期使用ICS/LABA D: 长期高剂量/高效能ICS/LABA
下列哪项不是药物治疗不良反应的危险因素?() A: 频繁口服糖皮质激素 B: 长期高剂量/高效能ICS C: 长期使用ICS/LABA D: 长期高剂量/高效能ICS/LABA
中国大学MOOC: Laba is celebrated on the eighth day of the last lunar month, referring to the _________.
中国大学MOOC: Laba is celebrated on the eighth day of the last lunar month, referring to the _________.
Laba festival in China has a long tradition and history, on this day, ____is the most traditional people across the country.
Laba festival in China has a long tradition and history, on this day, ____is the most traditional people across the country.
缓解哮喘核心的药物是( ) A: ICS B: OCS C: LABA D: SABA
缓解哮喘核心的药物是( ) A: ICS B: OCS C: LABA D: SABA
下列函数中,声明匿名函数的关键字是______。 A: lambda B: def C: fucn D: laba
下列函数中,声明匿名函数的关键字是______。 A: lambda B: def C: fucn D: laba
治疗哮喘最常用的缓解药物是: A: ICS B: LABA C: SABA D: 白三烯受体拮抗剂
治疗哮喘最常用的缓解药物是: A: ICS B: LABA C: SABA D: 白三烯受体拮抗剂
The history of eating dumplings in( )dates back to the Tang Dynasty. A: Autumn Equinox B: Winter Solstice C: Lantern Festival D: Laba Festival
The history of eating dumplings in( )dates back to the Tang Dynasty. A: Autumn Equinox B: Winter Solstice C: Lantern Festival D: Laba Festival
Which of the following festival is NOT based on the Chinese Calendar? A: Dragon Boat Festival B: Double Seventh Festival C: Labor Day D: Laba Festival
Which of the following festival is NOT based on the Chinese Calendar? A: Dragon Boat Festival B: Double Seventh Festival C: Labor Day D: Laba Festival
哮喘控制药物不包括() A: 吸入性糖皮质激素(ICS) B: 长效吸入性β2受体激动剂(LABA) C: 白三烯调节剂 D: 类氨酸类
哮喘控制药物不包括() A: 吸入性糖皮质激素(ICS) B: 长效吸入性β2受体激动剂(LABA) C: 白三烯调节剂 D: 类氨酸类