网页的META标签是指() A: title、h1、keywords B: description、alt、keywords C: robots、keywords、description D: keywords、description、h2
网页的META标签是指() A: title、h1、keywords B: description、alt、keywords C: robots、keywords、description D: keywords、description、h2
Which one is the proper writing of the keywords:______ A: Keywords: English, vocabulary, tendency B: keywords: Collocation Context Connotation C: keywords: mass media D: keywords: nuclear waste, nuclear fuel cycle, remediation, bioremediation, citrobacter, heavy metal accumulation, uranium transuranic elements, technetium, tributyl phosphate
Which one is the proper writing of the keywords:______ A: Keywords: English, vocabulary, tendency B: keywords: Collocation Context Connotation C: keywords: mass media D: keywords: nuclear waste, nuclear fuel cycle, remediation, bioremediation, citrobacter, heavy metal accumulation, uranium transuranic elements, technetium, tributyl phosphate
关于网站中的keywords标签的理解,错误的是?( ) A: 网站内容页的keywords首选文章tag B: keywords包含的关键词最好限制在3-5个之内 C: 网站keywords相对于title、description来说,重要性程度最高 D: 网站不同页面的keywords设置最好不同
关于网站中的keywords标签的理解,错误的是?( ) A: 网站内容页的keywords首选文章tag B: keywords包含的关键词最好限制在3-5个之内 C: 网站keywords相对于title、description来说,重要性程度最高 D: 网站不同页面的keywords设置最好不同
Most of the journals also ask to provide some keywords in the paper. It is wise to repeat keywords from the title of the paper: A: . True B: . False
Most of the journals also ask to provide some keywords in the paper. It is wise to repeat keywords from the title of the paper: A: . True B: . False
In a 4-level B tree with 15 keywords, the maximum number of nodes containing keywords is () A: 5 B: 6 C: 10 D: 15
In a 4-level B tree with 15 keywords, the maximum number of nodes containing keywords is () A: 5 B: 6 C: 10 D: 15
We should not include keywords in the title.
We should not include keywords in the title.
Biographical notes refer to phrases, keywords, and even pictures.
Biographical notes refer to phrases, keywords, and even pictures.
Keywords can be selected from the method used in a paper.
Keywords can be selected from the method used in a paper.