下列中英文对照中,正确的是 A: Onboard Curenccy-船上适用货币 B: Onboard Account-游客船上个人消费账户 C: Onboard Credit-船上消费额度 D: Onboard Payment-船上付款方式
下列中英文对照中,正确的是 A: Onboard Curenccy-船上适用货币 B: Onboard Account-游客船上个人消费账户 C: Onboard Credit-船上消费额度 D: Onboard Payment-船上付款方式
【单选题】The restricted areas onboard your ship are indicated in your Ship Security Plan A. The restricted areas onboard your ship are indicated by captain B. The restricted areas onboard your ship are indicated by your company C. The Declaration of Security indicates the restricted areas onboard your ship D. The Ship Security Plan indicates the restricted areas onboard your ship
【单选题】The restricted areas onboard your ship are indicated in your Ship Security Plan A. The restricted areas onboard your ship are indicated by captain B. The restricted areas onboard your ship are indicated by your company C. The Declaration of Security indicates the restricted areas onboard your ship D. The Ship Security Plan indicates the restricted areas onboard your ship
HetoldhimfriendsthathewasgoingtoJapan_____. A: onduty B: onbusiness C: onboard D: onthespot
HetoldhimfriendsthathewasgoingtoJapan_____. A: onduty B: onbusiness C: onboard D: onthespot
In the UK, onboard services vary from on train operating company to another.
In the UK, onboard services vary from on train operating company to another.
What is the principal danger from the liquid in a half full tank onboard a vessel?()
What is the principal danger from the liquid in a half full tank onboard a vessel?()
In Scenario 1,we know thatyou can't buy things onboard by your crew card
In Scenario 1,we know thatyou can't buy things onboard by your crew card
The space we arrange propelling and other auxiliary machines onboard<br/>is called ______. A: the engine room B: the cargo hold C: the steering gear room D: the bilge
The space we arrange propelling and other auxiliary machines onboard<br/>is called ______. A: the engine room B: the cargo hold C: the steering gear room D: the bilge
水上撤离旅客通过出口的指挥口令是() A: 救生衣充气!下水!(无救生筏)Inflate!Go! B: 救生衣充气!上筏!Inflate!Onboard! C: 脱下鞋子!Noshoes! D: 爬行!分散坐下!不要站立!Crawl!Sitdown!
水上撤离旅客通过出口的指挥口令是() A: 救生衣充气!下水!(无救生筏)Inflate!Go! B: 救生衣充气!上筏!Inflate!Onboard! C: 脱下鞋子!Noshoes! D: 爬行!分散坐下!不要站立!Crawl!Sitdown!
提单未印就‚已装船‛字样,并且注明收货地或接受监管地与装货港不同,必须在提单上批注()才能满足货物已装船的要求。 A: ONBOARD字样 B: 装船日期 C: 已装船船名 D: 实际装货港
提单未印就‚已装船‛字样,并且注明收货地或接受监管地与装货港不同,必须在提单上批注()才能满足货物已装船的要求。 A: ONBOARD字样 B: 装船日期 C: 已装船船名 D: 实际装货港