A four-line stanza is called a ______. A: quatrain B: couplet C: triplet D: sestet
A four-line stanza is called a ______. A: quatrain B: couplet C: triplet D: sestet
Triplet energy state can be probed by phosphorescent spectrum, which corresponds to the high-energy peak
Triplet energy state can be probed by phosphorescent spectrum, which corresponds to the high-energy peak
世界上第一个运动心理学实验室是 于1925年创建的。 A: Triplet B: Coubertin C: Schulte D: Griffith
世界上第一个运动心理学实验室是 于1925年创建的。 A: Triplet B: Coubertin C: Schulte D: Griffith
以下损失函数,属于分类损失函数的包括()。 A: Logistic损失 B: 三角损失(Triplet loss) C: 均方误差损失(L2损失) D: 交叉熵损失(Cross Entropy Error Function)
以下损失函数,属于分类损失函数的包括()。 A: Logistic损失 B: 三角损失(Triplet loss) C: 均方误差损失(L2损失) D: 交叉熵损失(Cross Entropy Error Function)
Which of the following statements is correct ( ) A: A total of 20 different codons represent the genetic code; B: Different codons may encode the same amino acid; C: The third bit of the codon has variability. D: Each nucleotide triplet encodes an amino acid;
Which of the following statements is correct ( ) A: A total of 20 different codons represent the genetic code; B: Different codons may encode the same amino acid; C: The third bit of the codon has variability. D: Each nucleotide triplet encodes an amino acid;