They used to spend the weekends in London and___________ a movie or two.
They used to spend the weekends in London and___________ a movie or two.
The British Parliament consists of three elements – the Sovereign, ___________ and___________ .
The British Parliament consists of three elements – the Sovereign, ___________ and___________ .
Baby-boomer parents seem to struggle with two things:saying no and___________(放手). The teaching assistants massedtogether in the theatre were advised to send unhappy parentsdirectly to professors. I sat in disbelief, but yes, it happens.
Baby-boomer parents seem to struggle with two things:saying no and___________(放手). The teaching assistants massedtogether in the theatre were advised to send unhappy parentsdirectly to professors. I sat in disbelief, but yes, it happens.
A wood fire ___________(burn) on the hearth, and a cat________ (sleep) in front of it. A girl __________ (play) the piano and___________ (sing) softly to herself. Suddenly there _________ (be) a knock onthe door. The girl ________(stop) playing. The cat _______(wake) up.
A wood fire ___________(burn) on the hearth, and a cat________ (sleep) in front of it. A girl __________ (play) the piano and___________ (sing) softly to herself. Suddenly there _________ (be) a knock onthe door. The girl ________(stop) playing. The cat _______(wake) up.