• 2022-05-29 问题

    The Anti-pyretic action of Asprin is mainly due to A: inhibiting the production of Brady kinin B: inhibiting the release of inner heat source C: inhibiting the production of PG in the central nervous system D: inhibiting the production of PG in the peripheral

    The Anti-pyretic action of Asprin is mainly due to A: inhibiting the production of Brady kinin B: inhibiting the release of inner heat source C: inhibiting the production of PG in the central nervous system D: inhibiting the production of PG in the peripheral

  • 2021-04-14 问题

    【单选题】阿司匹林(asprin,乙酰水杨酸)体内过程不包括 A. 口服吸收迅速,1-2小时后达到血药浓度蜂值 B. 不能分布到脑脊液和胎盘屏障 C. 尿液pH的变化对起其排泄量影响不大 D. 小剂量( 1g 以下)时按一级动力学消除 E. 水杨酸与血浆蛋白结合率高

    【单选题】阿司匹林(asprin,乙酰水杨酸)体内过程不包括 A. 口服吸收迅速,1-2小时后达到血药浓度蜂值 B. 不能分布到脑脊液和胎盘屏障 C. 尿液pH的变化对起其排泄量影响不大 D. 小剂量( 1g 以下)时按一级动力学消除 E. 水杨酸与血浆蛋白结合率高

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