• 2022-05-28 问题

    <p>The function of the custom of spree or horseplay in the bridal chamber are the followings except:</p>

    <p>The function of the custom of spree or horseplay in the bridal chamber are the followings except:</p>

  • 2021-04-14 问题

    When people install the bridal bed, the following kinds of food will be put on the bed except__________.

    When people install the bridal bed, the following kinds of food will be put on the bed except__________.

  • 2022-06-07 问题

    According to wedding customs in ancient China,a bride was carried to a bridegroom s home by. A: Bridal sedan-chair B: a horse C: a car

    According to wedding customs in ancient China,a bride was carried to a bridegroom s home by. A: Bridal sedan-chair B: a horse C: a car

  • 2021-04-14 问题

    When people install the bridal bed, four kinds of food will be put on the bedto express people’s whishes for the new couple that they will have a wealthylife.

    When people install the bridal bed, four kinds of food will be put on the bedto express people’s whishes for the new couple that they will have a wealthylife.

  • 2022-05-28 问题

    When people install the bridal bed, the following kinds of food will be put on the bed except__________. A: Chinese dates B: Peanuts C: Longans D: Sesame

    When people install the bridal bed, the following kinds of food will be put on the bed except__________. A: Chinese dates B: Peanuts C: Longans D: Sesame

  • 2022-06-05 问题

    The woman’s female friends often give her ______ before she<br/>gets married. A: a bridal shower B: an engagement period C: newlyweds

    The woman’s female friends often give her ______ before she<br/>gets married. A: a bridal shower B: an engagement period C: newlyweds

  • 2022-06-09 问题

    Which of the following custom is practiced after the wedding ceremony? ________ A: Installing the bridal bed. B: Combing hair for the bride. C: Paying respect to the groom’s family ancestors. D: Crying for the marriage.

    Which of the following custom is practiced after the wedding ceremony? ________ A: Installing the bridal bed. B: Combing hair for the bride. C: Paying respect to the groom’s family ancestors. D: Crying for the marriage.

  • 2022-06-17 问题

    以下标题,()更优质。 A: 100%<br/>cotton underwear B: 2019<br/>new party dress bridal dress evening dress C: Custom<br/>Made Mermaid Satin Train Wedding Dress D: 168<br/>4G

    以下标题,()更优质。 A: 100%<br/>cotton underwear B: 2019<br/>new party dress bridal dress evening dress C: Custom<br/>Made Mermaid Satin Train Wedding Dress D: 168<br/>4G

  • 2022-05-28 问题

    The function of the custom of spree or horseplay in the bridal chamber are the followings except: A: To express people’s best wishes for the newlyweds B: To entertain the guests themselves C: To make the newlyweds less embarrassed with each other D: To make the newlyweds know their parents very much

    The function of the custom of spree or horseplay in the bridal chamber are the followings except: A: To express people’s best wishes for the newlyweds B: To entertain the guests themselves C: To make the newlyweds less embarrassed with each other D: To make the newlyweds know their parents very much

  • 2022-06-19 问题

    从前,有一个名叫祝英台(Zhu Yingtai)的女子,为了上学读书,她不得不女扮男装。求学三载,她爱上了同窗好友梁山伯(Liang Shanbo),但梁山伯始终不知祝英台是女儿身。当山伯得知英台真相后,便向祝家提亲,却遭其父断然拒绝。梁山伯伤心欲绝、悲愤离世,而祝英台被迫接受家里包办的婚事。出嫁那天,花轿(bridal sedan chair, bridal palanquin)经过梁山伯的坟墓,祝英台下轿到墓前恸哭(wail)。突然,狂风雷电大作,梁山伯的坟墓随之裂开,祝英台趁机投入坟中。过了一会儿,只见坟中飞出一对彩蝶、双双翩然离去。

    从前,有一个名叫祝英台(Zhu Yingtai)的女子,为了上学读书,她不得不女扮男装。求学三载,她爱上了同窗好友梁山伯(Liang Shanbo),但梁山伯始终不知祝英台是女儿身。当山伯得知英台真相后,便向祝家提亲,却遭其父断然拒绝。梁山伯伤心欲绝、悲愤离世,而祝英台被迫接受家里包办的婚事。出嫁那天,花轿(bridal sedan chair, bridal palanquin)经过梁山伯的坟墓,祝英台下轿到墓前恸哭(wail)。突然,狂风雷电大作,梁山伯的坟墓随之裂开,祝英台趁机投入坟中。过了一会儿,只见坟中飞出一对彩蝶、双双翩然离去。

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