If the student cannot self-correct, it means there is a lack of competence and the teacher can help with the correction or may ask other students to help correct it.
If the student cannot self-correct, it means there is a lack of competence and the teacher can help with the correction or may ask other students to help correct it.
The mirror test is used to investigate children’s recognition of ( ). A: Spiritual self B: Subjective self C: Material self D: Objective self
The mirror test is used to investigate children’s recognition of ( ). A: Spiritual self B: Subjective self C: Material self D: Objective self
自我知识的文化差异表现在( )。 (多选)Which statements reveal the cultural difference of self knowledge?(more than one correct answers) A: 东方人的自我知识往往是情境性的知识。Self knowledge of easterners is generally situational knowledge. B: 东方人的自我知识往往是个体性的知识。Self knowledge of easterners is generally individual knowledge. C: 西方人的自我知识往往是情境性的知识。Self knowledge of westerners is generally situational knowledge. D: 西方人的自我知识往往是个体性的知识。Self knowledge of westerners is generally individual knowledge.
自我知识的文化差异表现在( )。 (多选)Which statements reveal the cultural difference of self knowledge?(more than one correct answers) A: 东方人的自我知识往往是情境性的知识。Self knowledge of easterners is generally situational knowledge. B: 东方人的自我知识往往是个体性的知识。Self knowledge of easterners is generally individual knowledge. C: 西方人的自我知识往往是情境性的知识。Self knowledge of westerners is generally situational knowledge. D: 西方人的自我知识往往是个体性的知识。Self knowledge of westerners is generally individual knowledge.
以下程序的输出结果是()。 classA: deffun1(self):print("fun1A") deffun2(self):print("fun2A") classB(A): deffun1(self):print("fun1B") deffun3(self):print("fun2B") b=B() b.fun1() b.fun2() a=A() a.fun1() a.fun2()
以下程序的输出结果是()。 classA: deffun1(self):print("fun1A") deffun2(self):print("fun2A") classB(A): deffun1(self):print("fun1B") deffun3(self):print("fun2B") b=B() b.fun1() b.fun2() a=A() a.fun1() a.fun2()
class Student:def __init__(self,name,age):self.name=nameself.age=agedef fun1(self):print("hello")( )def fun2(self):print("yes")child=Child("Tom",20)child.fun1()
class Student:def __init__(self,name,age):self.name=nameself.age=agedef fun1(self):print("hello")( )def fun2(self):print("yes")child=Child("Tom",20)child.fun1()
在A类的某个方法中,“super()”等价于( )。? super(self)|super|super(A,self)|super(A)
在A类的某个方法中,“super()”等价于( )。? super(self)|super|super(A,self)|super(A)
Express your self in English.
Express your self in English.
Find your true self and
Find your true self and
关于self关键字说法错误的是() A: 每个类属性定义前都要加self关键字; B: 每个对象属性定义前都要加self关键字; C: self关键字传递的是当前对象自身; D: 函数内部定义的变量时不使用self关键字,则说明定义的是函数内部局部变量;
关于self关键字说法错误的是() A: 每个类属性定义前都要加self关键字; B: 每个对象属性定义前都要加self关键字; C: self关键字传递的是当前对象自身; D: 函数内部定义的变量时不使用self关键字,则说明定义的是函数内部局部变量;