• 2022-06-06 问题

    A proverb says: “The spring breeze cracks the tree barks”, which means the spring breeze is strong enough to crake the tree barks.( )

    A proverb says: “The spring breeze cracks the tree barks”, which means the spring breeze is strong enough to crake the tree barks.( )

  • 2022-10-25 问题

    为保证用户的通信不因位置改变而中断,移动通信系统需要()。 A: A对用户的位置进行登记和跟踪 B: B鉴权和加密 C: CRake接收 D: D负载控制

    为保证用户的通信不因位置改变而中断,移动通信系统需要()。 A: A对用户的位置进行登记和跟踪 B: B鉴权和加密 C: CRake接收 D: D负载控制

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