• 2022-05-31 问题

    Theword“holds”inparagraph3,line2isclosestinmeaningto______. A: possesses B: conducts C: encloses D: accommodates

    Theword“holds”inparagraph3,line2isclosestinmeaningto______. A: possesses B: conducts C: encloses D: accommodates

  • 2022-05-28 问题

    _____please find a price list of our new products. A: Enclosing B: Enclose C: Enclosed D: Encloses

    _____please find a price list of our new products. A: Enclosing B: Enclose C: Enclosed D: Encloses

  • 2022-05-28 问题

    ( )please find a copy of our catalogue and price list for our newly developed A grade blanket. A: Enclose B: Enclosed C: To enclose D: Encloses

    ( )please find a copy of our catalogue and price list for our newly developed A grade blanket. A: Enclose B: Enclosed C: To enclose D: Encloses

  • 2022-06-06 问题

    The park, which ( ) the monument, has recently been enlarged because more and more city residents like to go there to relax. A: disposes B: closes C: encloses D: dispatches

    The park, which ( ) the monument, has recently been enlarged because more and more city residents like to go there to relax. A: disposes B: closes C: encloses D: dispatches

  • 2022-06-11 问题

    When a plasma membrane encloses small fluid droplets and takes them into the cell, a form of transport known as ( ) occurs. A: active diffusion B: receptor-mediated exocytosis C: Pinocytosis D: facilitated diffusion E: Phagocytosis

    When a plasma membrane encloses small fluid droplets and takes them into the cell, a form of transport known as ( ) occurs. A: active diffusion B: receptor-mediated exocytosis C: Pinocytosis D: facilitated diffusion E: Phagocytosis

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