• 2022-05-27 问题



  • 2022-06-16 问题

    已知-l<a<0,|x-a|=a2.则x的取值范围是(  )

    已知-l<a<0,|x-a|=a2.则x的取值范围是(  )

  • 2022-06-19 问题

    We have received 1.your letter of 2nd March, with a2. price-list of your products 3.enclosed therein.

    We have received 1.your letter of 2nd March, with a2. price-list of your products 3.enclosed therein.

  • 2022-06-14 问题

    设n阶行列式D中有一行元素及其余子式均为a(a≠0),k是自然数,则 A: n=2k,D=0. B: n=2k+1,D=0. C: n=2k,D=a2. D: n=2k+1,D=-a2.

    设n阶行列式D中有一行元素及其余子式均为a(a≠0),k是自然数,则 A: n=2k,D=0. B: n=2k+1,D=0. C: n=2k,D=a2. D: n=2k+1,D=-a2.

  • 2022-10-26 问题

    A2.下列哪项不是肝静脉阻塞综合征的临床表现?( ) A: 黄疸 B: 腹水 C: 肝大 D: 溶血

    A2.下列哪项不是肝静脉阻塞综合征的临床表现?( ) A: 黄疸 B: 腹水 C: 肝大 D: 溶血

  • 2022-05-26 问题



  • 2022-10-28 问题

    如图所示.在光滑水平面上有物体A、B,质量分别为m1、m2.在拉力F作用下,A和B以加速度a做匀加速直线运动.某时刻突然撤去拉力F,此瞬时A和B的加速度为a1、a2.则(  )

    如图所示.在光滑水平面上有物体A、B,质量分别为m1、m2.在拉力F作用下,A和B以加速度a做匀加速直线运动.某时刻突然撤去拉力F,此瞬时A和B的加速度为a1、a2.则(  )

  • 2022-05-31 问题

    ______ is sea area A2. A: An area within coverage of INMARSAT geostationary satellites B: An area, excluding sea area A1, within coverage of Medium Frequency (MF) coastal radio stations in which continuous DSC alerting is available C: An area within coverage of VHF coast radio stations in which continuous DSC alerting is available D: The extreme polar regions

    ______ is sea area A2. A: An area within coverage of INMARSAT geostationary satellites B: An area, excluding sea area A1, within coverage of Medium Frequency (MF) coastal radio stations in which continuous DSC alerting is available C: An area within coverage of VHF coast radio stations in which continuous DSC alerting is available D: The extreme polar regions

  • 2022-06-07 问题

    Page 93-95 Part 6 Paragraph A2. What main idea is the writer implying? A: S. presidents all enjoy being in the public eye. B: The successors of President Kennedy have tried to imitate him. C: Presidents have placed increasing importance on making public appearances. D: Presidents spend too much time making public appearances.

    Page 93-95 Part 6 Paragraph A2. What main idea is the writer implying? A: S. presidents all enjoy being in the public eye. B: The successors of President Kennedy have tried to imitate him. C: Presidents have placed increasing importance on making public appearances. D: Presidents spend too much time making public appearances.

  • 2022-06-29 问题

    设A=(a1,a2,a3,a4)是4阶矩阵,A*为A的伴随矩阵.若(1,0,1,0)T是方程组Ax=0的一个基础解系,则A·x=0的基础解系可为()。 A: a1,a3. B: a1,a2. C: a1,a2,a3. D: a2,a3,a4.

    设A=(a1,a2,a3,a4)是4阶矩阵,A*为A的伴随矩阵.若(1,0,1,0)T是方程组Ax=0的一个基础解系,则A·x=0的基础解系可为()。 A: a1,a3. B: a1,a2. C: a1,a2,a3. D: a2,a3,a4.

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