According to political scientist's thesis is global terrorism a product of the tension between civilizations and the clash of value systems and ideology? A: Amartya Sen B: Samuel Huntington C: Francis Fukuyama D: Hernando de Soto
According to political scientist's thesis is global terrorism a product of the tension between civilizations and the clash of value systems and ideology? A: Amartya Sen B: Samuel Huntington C: Francis Fukuyama D: Hernando de Soto
患者仰卧伸膝位,检查者用一手按压髌骨,使其在股骨踝关节面上下活动,出现摩擦音或疼痛者为阳性,应当是() A: 浮髌试验 B: 髌骨摩擦试验(Soto-HoII征) C: 伸膝试验(Pisani征) D: McMurray试验 E: Helfet征
患者仰卧伸膝位,检查者用一手按压髌骨,使其在股骨踝关节面上下活动,出现摩擦音或疼痛者为阳性,应当是() A: 浮髌试验 B: 髌骨摩擦试验(Soto-HoII征) C: 伸膝试验(Pisani征) D: McMurray试验 E: Helfet征