_____is a Cantonese term for small hearty dishes. A: Hot pot B: Dim sum C: Dezhou Chicken D: Dongpo Pork
_____is a Cantonese term for small hearty dishes. A: Hot pot B: Dim sum C: Dezhou Chicken D: Dongpo Pork
In Par A: 2, the term "premium" means ________.A. the cost of the damageB. a sum of money paid regularly to an insurance companyC. proportion of the risk involvedD. a large fund of money
In Par A: 2, the term "premium" means ________.A. the cost of the damageB. a sum of money paid regularly to an insurance companyC. proportion of the risk involvedD. a large fund of money
以下求1*2*3......*20的程序正确的是: A: main(){inti,term;i=1;term=0;do{term=term*i;i++;}while(i<=20)<p="">printf("t=%d",term);} B: main(){inti,term;i=1;term=1;do{term=term*i;i++;}while(i<=20)<p="">printf("t=%d",term);} C: main(){inti,term;term=1;for(i=1,i<=20,i++)<p="">{term=term*i;i++;}printf("t=%d",term);} D: main(){inti,term;term=1;for(i=1;i<=20;i++)<p="">{term=term*i;i++;}printf("t=%d",term);}
以下求1*2*3......*20的程序正确的是: A: main(){inti,term;i=1;term=0;do{term=term*i;i++;}while(i<=20)<p="">printf("t=%d",term);} B: main(){inti,term;i=1;term=1;do{term=term*i;i++;}while(i<=20)<p="">printf("t=%d",term);} C: main(){inti,term;term=1;for(i=1,i<=20,i++)<p="">{term=term*i;i++;}printf("t=%d",term);} D: main(){inti,term;term=1;for(i=1;i<=20;i++)<p="">{term=term*i;i++;}printf("t=%d",term);}
The term of <br/>”Description of Goods” is the contract’s( ) A: Quality term B: Quantity term C: Name of the<br/>commodity term D: Description term
The term of <br/>”Description of Goods” is the contract’s( ) A: Quality term B: Quantity term C: Name of the<br/>commodity term D: Description term
A(n) ___ term can be either positive or negative. A: A = assuring term B: G = guarding term C: D = discounting term D: E = evaluative term
A(n) ___ term can be either positive or negative. A: A = assuring term B: G = guarding term C: D = discounting term D: E = evaluative term
If we want to define a term formally, which of the following may NOT be included in our definition? A: Reasons to define the term B: The term to be defined C: The class the term belongs to D: Distinctive features the term possesses
If we want to define a term formally, which of the following may NOT be included in our definition? A: Reasons to define the term B: The term to be defined C: The class the term belongs to D: Distinctive features the term possesses
The term “app” is a shortening of the term “system software”.
The term “app” is a shortening of the term “system software”.
Ann prefers______taking an examination. A: writing a term paper than B: writing a term paper to C: to write a term paper and D: to write a term paper than
Ann prefers______taking an examination. A: writing a term paper than B: writing a term paper to C: to write a term paper and D: to write a term paper than
下面程序流程图的功能是利用下面的公式计算e的近似值,直到最后一项的绝对值小于时为止,则下图中空白的矩形框内应该填写的是()。 A: term=term*n B: term=term/n C: term=1/term D: term=1/term*n
下面程序流程图的功能是利用下面的公式计算e的近似值,直到最后一项的绝对值小于时为止,则下图中空白的矩形框内应该填写的是()。 A: term=term*n B: term=term/n C: term=1/term D: term=1/term*n