下面选项中,查询stu表中id值不在2和5之间的学生的SQL语句是( )。 A: select * from stu where id != 2,3,4,5; B: select * from stu where id not betwen 5 and 2; C: select * from stu where id not betwen 2 and 5; D: select * from stu where id not in 2,3,4,5;
下面选项中,查询stu表中id值不在2和5之间的学生的SQL语句是( )。 A: select * from stu where id != 2,3,4,5; B: select * from stu where id not betwen 5 and 2; C: select * from stu where id not betwen 2 and 5; D: select * from stu where id not in 2,3,4,5;
以下各项用于定义结构体类型,并定义结构体变量,正确的是(). A: structstudent{charnum[5];intscore;};studentstu1,stu2; B: structstudentstu1,stu2;structstudent{charnum[5];intscore;}; C: structstudent{charnum[5];intscore=96;};structstudentstu1,stu2; D: structstudent{charnum[5];intscore;};structstudentstu1,stu2;
以下各项用于定义结构体类型,并定义结构体变量,正确的是(). A: structstudent{charnum[5];intscore;};studentstu1,stu2; B: structstudentstu1,stu2;structstudent{charnum[5];intscore;}; C: structstudent{charnum[5];intscore=96;};structstudentstu1,stu2; D: structstudent{charnum[5];intscore;};structstudentstu1,stu2;
以下语句中,结构体类型为( )struct student{int a; float x;}stu2 A: student B: stu2 C: a D: x
以下语句中,结构体类型为( )struct student{int a; float x;}stu2 A: student B: stu2 C: a D: x
以下语句中,结构体类型为( )struct student{int a; float x;}stu2 A: student B: stu2 C: a D: x
以下语句中,结构体类型为( )struct student{int a; float x;}stu2 A: student B: stu2 C: a D: x
对以下定义,能输出字符串"Mary"的语句是( )。struct student { char name[20]; int age; }; struct student stu[100]={"John",16,"Paul",17,"Mary",18 }; A: printf("%s",stu[2].name); B: printf("%s",stu[1].name); C: printf("%s",stu[2]); D: printf("%s",stu[1]);
对以下定义,能输出字符串"Mary"的语句是( )。struct student { char name[20]; int age; }; struct student stu[100]={"John",16,"Paul",17,"Mary",18 }; A: printf("%s",stu[2].name); B: printf("%s",stu[1].name); C: printf("%s",stu[2]); D: printf("%s",stu[1]);
在VBA中打开“stu”表的语句是( )。 A: Docmd.OpenForm"stu" B: Docmd.OpenQuery"stu" C: Docmd.OpenTable"stu" D: Docmd.OpenReport"stu"
在VBA中打开“stu”表的语句是( )。 A: Docmd.OpenForm"stu" B: Docmd.OpenQuery"stu" C: Docmd.OpenTable"stu" D: Docmd.OpenReport"stu"
在vBA中打开"stu"表的语句是( )。 A: Docmd.OpenForm"stu" B: Docmd.OpenQuery"stu" C: Docmd.OpenTable"stu" D: Docmd.OpenReport"stu"
在vBA中打开"stu"表的语句是( )。 A: Docmd.OpenForm"stu" B: Docmd.OpenQuery"stu" C: Docmd.OpenTable"stu" D: Docmd.OpenReport"stu"
根据下面的定义,能输出字符串"Li"的语句是()。struct person{char name[10];int age;};person stu[10]={"Zhang",18,"Li",17,"Ma",18,"Huang",18 };? cout<<;stu[1].name[0]<<endl;|cout<<;stu[2].name[0]<<endl;|cout<<;stu[1].name<<endl;|cout<<;stu[2].name<<endl;
根据下面的定义,能输出字符串"Li"的语句是()。struct person{char name[10];int age;};person stu[10]={"Zhang",18,"Li",17,"Ma",18,"Huang",18 };? cout<<;stu[1].name[0]<<endl;|cout<<;stu[2].name[0]<<endl;|cout<<;stu[1].name<<endl;|cout<<;stu[2].name<<endl;
要将当前目录下的文件samplefile的文件从属用户与从属组都改为stu,应该使用哪个命令? A: chown stu:stu ./samplefile B: chown stu ./samplefile C: chmod stu:stu ./samplefile D: chmod stu ./samplefile
要将当前目录下的文件samplefile的文件从属用户与从属组都改为stu,应该使用哪个命令? A: chown stu:stu ./samplefile B: chown stu ./samplefile C: chmod stu:stu ./samplefile D: chmod stu ./samplefile
下列定义中,()是定义指向Stu对象数组的指针p。 A: Stu*p[5]; B: Stu(*p)[5]; C: (Stu*)p[5]; D: Stu*p();
下列定义中,()是定义指向Stu对象数组的指针p。 A: Stu*p[5]; B: Stu(*p)[5]; C: (Stu*)p[5]; D: Stu*p();