Judging by the quotation, Schweitzer was commenting on _______________.
Judging by the quotation, Schweitzer was commenting on _______________.
施威茨尔(Schweitzer)的《创业宣言》 呼唤不甘于庸碌
施威茨尔(Schweitzer)的《创业宣言》 呼唤不甘于庸碌
被称为“非洲之子”的是以下哪位名人? A: 阿尔贝特·史怀泽 ( Albert Schweitzer) B: 列奥·施特劳斯(Leo Strauss) C: 卡尔·马克思(Karl Heinrich Marx) D: 伊曼努尔·康德(Immanuel Kant)
被称为“非洲之子”的是以下哪位名人? A: 阿尔贝特·史怀泽 ( Albert Schweitzer) B: 列奥·施特劳斯(Leo Strauss) C: 卡尔·马克思(Karl Heinrich Marx) D: 伊曼努尔·康德(Immanuel Kant)
What is Schweitzer’s argument against Edwin Locke? A: The idea of goal-setting has become too deep-seated among large enterprises. B: The connection between goal-setting and harmful conduct merits further research. C: Investigating goal-setting can provide enlightenment for individuals’ development. D: The positive impacts of goal-setting could overpower its potential damages.
What is Schweitzer’s argument against Edwin Locke? A: The idea of goal-setting has become too deep-seated among large enterprises. B: The connection between goal-setting and harmful conduct merits further research. C: Investigating goal-setting can provide enlightenment for individuals’ development. D: The positive impacts of goal-setting could overpower its potential damages.
5). What is Schweitzer’s contention against Edwin Locke? A: The link between goal-setting and harmful behavior deserves further study. B: Goal-setting has become too deep-rooted in corporate culture. C: The positive effects of goal-setting outweigh its negative effects. D: Studying goal-setting can throw more light on successful business practices.
5). What is Schweitzer’s contention against Edwin Locke? A: The link between goal-setting and harmful behavior deserves further study. B: Goal-setting has become too deep-rooted in corporate culture. C: The positive effects of goal-setting outweigh its negative effects. D: Studying goal-setting can throw more light on successful business practices.
(4-10)以_______为代表的动物解放论及动物权利论主张把道德关怀的对象扩大到有感觉的生命即动物身上() A: 彼得· 辛格PeterSinger B: 汤姆· 雷根Tom Regan C: 阿尔贝特• 史怀泽Albert Schweitzer D: 保罗· 泰勒Paul Tay ler
(4-10)以_______为代表的动物解放论及动物权利论主张把道德关怀的对象扩大到有感觉的生命即动物身上() A: 彼得· 辛格PeterSinger B: 汤姆· 雷根Tom Regan C: 阿尔贝特• 史怀泽Albert Schweitzer D: 保罗· 泰勒Paul Tay ler