An electron whose orbital quantum number is 2 has the length of angular momentum ( ).
An electron whose orbital quantum number is 2 has the length of angular momentum ( ).
For a hydrogen atom in the 6f state, the minimum angle between the orbital angular momentum vector and the z axis is ( )
For a hydrogen atom in the 6f state, the minimum angle between the orbital angular momentum vector and the z axis is ( )
The space segment of GPS consists nominally of 24 satellites operating in six orbital planes spaced at 60° intervals around the equator. ( )
The space segment of GPS consists nominally of 24 satellites operating in six orbital planes spaced at 60° intervals around the equator. ( )
The satellites of GPS orbit on six orbital planes spaced at ( ) intervals around the equator. A: 120° B: 90° C: 30° D: 60°
The satellites of GPS orbit on six orbital planes spaced at ( ) intervals around the equator. A: 120° B: 90° C: 30° D: 60°
The<br/>core module of manned spacecraft is ____. A: The<br/>experiment module B: The<br/>orbital module C: The<br/>re-entry module D: The<br/>service module
The<br/>core module of manned spacecraft is ____. A: The<br/>experiment module B: The<br/>orbital module C: The<br/>re-entry module D: The<br/>service module
分子上的电子其实也像原子上的电子会分布在不同能阶的波函数运动。在分子中,电子运动的波函数通常涵盖在两个或两个以上的原子核,此波函数称为「分子轨域molecular orbital」,而原子轨域(atomic orbital)的波函数只涵盖在单一原子核。此叙述是否正确呢?
分子上的电子其实也像原子上的电子会分布在不同能阶的波函数运动。在分子中,电子运动的波函数通常涵盖在两个或两个以上的原子核,此波函数称为「分子轨域molecular orbital」,而原子轨域(atomic orbital)的波函数只涵盖在单一原子核。此叙述是否正确呢?
Which of the following statements about the constellation of GLONASS is correct? ( ) A: There are 24 satellites equally spaced in three orbital planes B: GLONASS is suited for the usage in high latitudes C: GLONASS uses a nominal altitude of 19,100 km D: GLONASS uses 64.8&deg;nominal inclination angle with the equatorial plane of the Earth
Which of the following statements about the constellation of GLONASS is correct? ( ) A: There are 24 satellites equally spaced in three orbital planes B: GLONASS is suited for the usage in high latitudes C: GLONASS uses a nominal altitude of 19,100 km D: GLONASS uses 64.8&deg;nominal inclination angle with the equatorial plane of the Earth