• 2021-04-14 问题

    原文:上海世博会现场的娱乐和演出活动将主要在演艺中心、公共活动中心、世博广场和主题广场举行。译文:________ during Shanghai Expo are mainly held in Expo Performance Center, Public Activity Center, Expo Center and Theme Pavilion.

    原文:上海世博会现场的娱乐和演出活动将主要在演艺中心、公共活动中心、世博广场和主题广场举行。译文:________ during Shanghai Expo are mainly held in Expo Performance Center, Public Activity Center, Expo Center and Theme Pavilion.

  • 2022-06-05 问题

    Die Stadt Shanghai ________ das Expo im Jahr 2010.

    Die Stadt Shanghai ________ das Expo im Jahr 2010.

  • 2021-04-14 问题

    Everyone ______ go through the security check when entering the World Expo Park.

    Everyone ______ go through the security check when entering the World Expo Park.

  • 2022-06-11 问题

    最重要的大会是() A: MobileWorldCongress  B: Expo   C: cebit

    最重要的大会是() A: MobileWorldCongress  B: Expo   C: cebit

  • 2021-04-14 问题

    Expo 2010 Shanghai China events include ...域将开展各种各样的__________。

    Expo 2010 Shanghai China events include ...域将开展各种各样的__________。

  • 2022-05-31 问题

    1) What do you think of the accomplishments the Shanghai Expo presents to us? 2) Besides the Shanghai Expo, what else does the author suggest you go to visit? 3) How does the author describe the displays in those mid-sized countries’ pavilions? 4) Why does the author say that the African pavilion is a great place to see? 5) What does the author say about the visit to the Shanghai Expo?

    1) What do you think of the accomplishments the Shanghai Expo presents to us? 2) Besides the Shanghai Expo, what else does the author suggest you go to visit? 3) How does the author describe the displays in those mid-sized countries’ pavilions? 4) Why does the author say that the African pavilion is a great place to see? 5) What does the author say about the visit to the Shanghai Expo?

  • 2022-06-10 问题

    Which of the following words is formed by means of blending? A: expo B: OPEC C: smog D: daydream

    Which of the following words is formed by means of blending? A: expo B: OPEC C: smog D: daydream

  • 2021-05-19 问题

    原文:Expo 2010 Shanghai China is a great e...一次讨论21世纪城市生活和城市进步的盛会

    原文:Expo 2010 Shanghai China is a great e...一次讨论21世纪城市生活和城市进步的盛会

  • 2022-05-31 问题

    With over 200 pavilions and such ___________ time and such long lines, you wouldn’t want your day at the Expo site to go to waste.

    With over 200 pavilions and such ___________ time and such long lines, you wouldn’t want your day at the Expo site to go to waste.

  • 2021-04-14 问题

    世界博览会(World Exhibition or Exposition)又称国际博览会,简称世博会(World Expo),分( )世博会和( )世博会两种形式

    世界博览会(World Exhibition or Exposition)又称国际博览会,简称世博会(World Expo),分( )世博会和( )世博会两种形式

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