• 2022-05-28 问题



  • 2022-05-28 问题

    —______youchangeapound,please?<br/>—I______havesome.Letmesee. A: Should;might B: Can;must C: Could;may D: Will;would

    —______youchangeapound,please?<br/>—I______havesome.Letmesee. A: Should;might B: Can;must C: Could;may D: Will;would

  • 2022-06-06 问题

    Cloze:officialdignityturn his backvacantcompanionbotherhelplesslyscenecut me shorttreateddescribedeven ifHaving found a local____1___, I asked him if I couldn’t havesome poor little corner somewhere in a sleeping-car; but he ____2___with a sharp “No, you can’t. Every corner is full. Now don’t __3___me any more,” and with these words he ___4___on me and walked off.I hadnot expected to be __5____ like this, and my __6____was in a state not to be described. I said to my__7____, “They talk to me like this because theydon’t know who I am.” But my companion said, “Don’t talk such foolishness.___8___ they did know who you were, do you suppose it would help youto get a seat in a train which had no ___9__ seats in it?” And he also turned his back on me. That was too much. I found the same local official and said very politely that my name was Mark Twain and could I have — but he cut me short again, “I’ve told you notto bother me any more.” And again he turned hisback on me. I looked around__10___ and saw thatmy companion had been watching the whole___11__.The shame which I felt cannot be____12___. I said, “Hemay not have heard my name,” but my companion didn’t agree with me, saying, “He must have heard your name well enough. He does not care, that’s all.”

    Cloze:officialdignityturn his backvacantcompanionbotherhelplesslyscenecut me shorttreateddescribedeven ifHaving found a local____1___, I asked him if I couldn’t havesome poor little corner somewhere in a sleeping-car; but he ____2___with a sharp “No, you can’t. Every corner is full. Now don’t __3___me any more,” and with these words he ___4___on me and walked off.I hadnot expected to be __5____ like this, and my __6____was in a state not to be described. I said to my__7____, “They talk to me like this because theydon’t know who I am.” But my companion said, “Don’t talk such foolishness.___8___ they did know who you were, do you suppose it would help youto get a seat in a train which had no ___9__ seats in it?” And he also turned his back on me. That was too much. I found the same local official and said very politely that my name was Mark Twain and could I have — but he cut me short again, “I’ve told you notto bother me any more.” And again he turned hisback on me. I looked around__10___ and saw thatmy companion had been watching the whole___11__.The shame which I felt cannot be____12___. I said, “Hemay not have heard my name,” but my companion didn’t agree with me, saying, “He must have heard your name well enough. He does not care, that’s all.”

  • 2021-04-14 问题

    【单选题】测试i测试i测试i测试i测试i测试i测试i测试i测试i测试i测试i测试i测试i测试i测试i测试i测试i测试i测试i测试i测试i测试i测试i测试i测试i测试i测试i测试i测试i测试i测试i测试i测试i测试i测试i测试i测试i测试i A. 测试i测试i测试i测试i测试i测试i测试i测试i测试i测试i测试i测试i测试i测试i测试i测试i测试i测试i测试i测试i测试i测试i测试i测试i B. 测试i测试i测试i测试i测试i测试i测试i测试i测试i测试i C. 测试i测试i测试i测试i测试i D. 测试i测试i测试i

    【单选题】测试i测试i测试i测试i测试i测试i测试i测试i测试i测试i测试i测试i测试i测试i测试i测试i测试i测试i测试i测试i测试i测试i测试i测试i测试i测试i测试i测试i测试i测试i测试i测试i测试i测试i测试i测试i测试i测试i A. 测试i测试i测试i测试i测试i测试i测试i测试i测试i测试i测试i测试i测试i测试i测试i测试i测试i测试i测试i测试i测试i测试i测试i测试i B. 测试i测试i测试i测试i测试i测试i测试i测试i测试i测试i C. 测试i测试i测试i测试i测试i D. 测试i测试i测试i

  • 2021-04-14 问题

    int i,a[10];_for(i=0;i<10;i )_a[i]=i;_for(i=0;i<10;i ,i )_a[i] =2;_for(i=0;i<10;i )_printf("%d",a[i]);

    int i,a[10];_for(i=0;i<10;i )_a[i]=i;_for(i=0;i<10;i ,i )_a[i] =2;_for(i=0;i<10;i )_printf("%d",a[i]);

  • 2021-04-14 问题

    给出下面程序的运行结果。int i=0;main(){ int i=5;reset(i/2); printf("i=%d\n", i);reset(i=i/2); printf("i=%d\n", i);reset(i/2); printf("i=%d\n", i);workover(i); printf("i=%d\n", i);}workover(int i){ i=(i%i)*((i*i)/(2*i)+4);printf("i=%d\n", i);return(i);}reset(int i){ i=i<=2?5:0;return(i);}

    给出下面程序的运行结果。int i=0;main(){ int i=5;reset(i/2); printf("i=%d\n", i);reset(i=i/2); printf("i=%d\n", i);reset(i/2); printf("i=%d\n", i);workover(i); printf("i=%d\n", i);}workover(int i){ i=(i%i)*((i*i)/(2*i)+4);printf("i=%d\n", i);return(i);}reset(int i){ i=i<=2?5:0;return(i);}

  • 2021-04-14 问题

    d<i>u</i> = <i>T</i>d<i>s</i> - <i>p</i>d<i>v</i>。</p></p>

    d<i>u</i> = <i>T</i>d<i>s</i> - <i>p</i>d<i>v</i>。</p></p>

  • 2022-06-07 问题

    变压器的负载系数β是()。 A: β=I/I B: β=I/I C: β=I/I D: β=I/I

    变压器的负载系数β是()。 A: β=I/I B: β=I/I C: β=I/I D: β=I/I

  • 2022-05-26 问题

    main(){ int i,a&#91;5&#93;;for(i=0;i<;5;i++) a[i]=i;for(i=4;i>;=0;i--) printf("%d ",a[i]);}[/i][/i]

    main(){ int i,a&#91;5&#93;;for(i=0;i<;5;i++) a[i]=i;for(i=4;i>;=0;i--) printf("%d ",a[i]);}[/i][/i]

  • 2022-06-09 问题

    事故树的最小径集为:{x1,x2,x3,x4}、{x5,x6}、{x7}{x8}其结构重要度排序为:()的特征。 A: IΦ(7)= IΦ(8)>IΦ(5)= IΦ(6)>IΦ(1)= IΦ(2)= IΦ(3)=IΦ(4) B: IΦ(7)= IΦ(8)>IΦ(5)= IΦ(1)>IΦ(6)= IΦ(2)= IΦ(3)=IΦ(4) C: IΦ(7)= IΦ(8)>IΦ(5)= IΦ(3)>IΦ(6)= IΦ(1)=IΦ(2)=IΦ(4) D: IΦ(5)=IΦ(7)= IΦ(8)>IΦ(3)>IΦ(6)= IΦ(1)=IΦ(2)=IΦ(4)

    事故树的最小径集为:{x1,x2,x3,x4}、{x5,x6}、{x7}{x8}其结构重要度排序为:()的特征。 A: IΦ(7)= IΦ(8)>IΦ(5)= IΦ(6)>IΦ(1)= IΦ(2)= IΦ(3)=IΦ(4) B: IΦ(7)= IΦ(8)>IΦ(5)= IΦ(1)>IΦ(6)= IΦ(2)= IΦ(3)=IΦ(4) C: IΦ(7)= IΦ(8)>IΦ(5)= IΦ(3)>IΦ(6)= IΦ(1)=IΦ(2)=IΦ(4) D: IΦ(5)=IΦ(7)= IΦ(8)>IΦ(3)>IΦ(6)= IΦ(1)=IΦ(2)=IΦ(4)

  • 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10