这出戏剧枯燥得让人无法看下去。观众开始看表、咳嗽、东张西望。 A: The play was to unpleasant to watch. The audience glanced at their watches, coughed, and rolled their eyes. B: The play was too pleasant to watch. The audience glanced their watches, coughed, and rolled their eyes. C: The play was too unpleasant to watch. The audience glanced at their watches, coughed, and rolled their eyes.
这出戏剧枯燥得让人无法看下去。观众开始看表、咳嗽、东张西望。 A: The play was to unpleasant to watch. The audience glanced at their watches, coughed, and rolled their eyes. B: The play was too pleasant to watch. The audience glanced their watches, coughed, and rolled their eyes. C: The play was too unpleasant to watch. The audience glanced at their watches, coughed, and rolled their eyes.
How many syllables in “coughed”? A: 3 B: 2 C: 1 D: 4
How many syllables in “coughed”? A: 3 B: 2 C: 1 D: 4
Embarrased and encouraged, I _________ a goodbye and hurried in behind Momma. A: read B: mouthed C: yelled D: coughed
Embarrased and encouraged, I _________ a goodbye and hurried in behind Momma. A: read B: mouthed C: yelled D: coughed
A sob caught his throat and he coughed to ________it. A: prohibit B: mask C: emit D: crash
A sob caught his throat and he coughed to ________it. A: prohibit B: mask C: emit D: crash
He is ill. He has kept_____. A: coughing all along B: to cough at night C: cough since yesterday D: being coughed day and night
He is ill. He has kept_____. A: coughing all along B: to cough at night C: cough since yesterday D: being coughed day and night
听2018-6会话2 完成23-25题 [音频] 2018-6-17 A: She has coughed a lot. B: She has a high fever. C: She has got a bad cold. D: She has got a pain in the stomach.
听2018-6会话2 完成23-25题 [音频] 2018-6-17 A: She has coughed a lot. B: She has a high fever. C: She has got a bad cold. D: She has got a pain in the stomach.