• 2021-04-14 问题

    首先感谢贡献翻译的童鞋 qidianangela 如果有童鞋希望提高英语水平也可以参与到习题翻译中,详情可以到讨论区的贡献翻译贴查看.</p> Once you have responded to each question below and doubled checked your answers, click the "Final Check" button at the bottom of the page and 'Show answers' to find out if your answers are correct. You can also click "Save" to save your responses without submitting them for a grade. This allows you to stop working on a problem and come back to it later.</p> 当你回答完以下所有问题并且确认了你的答案,点击页面底部的“最终提交(Final Check)”和“显示答案(Show answers)”,就可以知道你的答案正确与否了。你也可以点击“保存(Save)”来暂时保存你的回答,这样不会计分,你可以之后再来确认提交获得分数。</p> If your goal was to learn, comprehend, and remember as much information as possible in Think101x: The Science of Everyday Thinking, which of the following strategies would be the least effective?</p> 如果你的目标是在《日常思考的科学》中学习、理解并记住尽可能多的信息,以下哪种策略效率最低?</p>

    首先感谢贡献翻译的童鞋 qidianangela 如果有童鞋希望提高英语水平也可以参与到习题翻译中,详情可以到讨论区的贡献翻译贴查看.</p> Once you have responded to each question below and doubled checked your answers, click the "Final Check" button at the bottom of the page and 'Show answers' to find out if your answers are correct. You can also click "Save" to save your responses without submitting them for a grade. This allows you to stop working on a problem and come back to it later.</p> 当你回答完以下所有问题并且确认了你的答案,点击页面底部的“最终提交(Final Check)”和“显示答案(Show answers)”,就可以知道你的答案正确与否了。你也可以点击“保存(Save)”来暂时保存你的回答,这样不会计分,你可以之后再来确认提交获得分数。</p> If your goal was to learn, comprehend, and remember as much information as possible in Think101x: The Science of Everyday Thinking, which of the following strategies would be the least effective?</p> 如果你的目标是在《日常思考的科学》中学习、理解并记住尽可能多的信息,以下哪种策略效率最低?</p>

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