• 2022-06-07 问题

    中国大学MOOC: You can take the life vest away if you travel by air.

    中国大学MOOC: You can take the life vest away if you travel by air.

  • 2022-06-07 问题

    I have a ______ of a society that is free of exploitation and injustice. A: virtue B: virus C: vest D: vision

    I have a ______ of a society that is free of exploitation and injustice. A: virtue B: virus C: vest D: vision

  • 2022-06-19 问题

    Listen carefully and choose the word you hear. A: west B: vest C: test D: lest

    Listen carefully and choose the word you hear. A: west B: vest C: test D: lest

  • 2022-05-29 问题

    Which one of the following expressions means "卫衣"? A: dust coat B: vest C: hoodie D: polo shirt

    Which one of the following expressions means "卫衣"? A: dust coat B: vest C: hoodie D: polo shirt

  • 2022-06-06 问题

    (单选)Which one of the following expressions means "卫衣"? A: polo shirt B: hoodie C: vest D: dustcoat

    (单选)Which one of the following expressions means "卫衣"? A: polo shirt B: hoodie C: vest D: dustcoat

  • 2022-05-26 问题

    可与衬衫,毛衣组合的无领无袖罩衫(Vest),称为() A: 衬衣 B: 背心 C: 胸衣 D: 胸甲

    可与衬衫,毛衣组合的无领无袖罩衫(Vest),称为() A: 衬衣 B: 背心 C: 胸衣 D: 胸甲

  • 2022-06-04 问题

    下列词语中是防护耳塞的意思是____. A: earplugs B: safety vest C: protecting mask D: safety helmet

    下列词语中是防护耳塞的意思是____. A: earplugs B: safety vest C: protecting mask D: safety helmet

  • 2022-06-03 问题

    All in all, the benefits of the reform policies far ______ the<br/>negative impacts they have brought to the local system. A: vest B: launch C: downplay D: outweigh

    All in all, the benefits of the reform policies far ______ the<br/>negative impacts they have brought to the local system. A: vest B: launch C: downplay D: outweigh

  • 2022-06-03 问题

    All in all, the<br/>benefits of the reform policies far ______ the negative impacts they<br/>have brought to the local system. A: vest B: launch C: downplay D: outweigh

    All in all, the<br/>benefits of the reform policies far ______ the negative impacts they<br/>have brought to the local system. A: vest B: launch C: downplay D: outweigh

  • 2022-06-07 问题

    The flight attendants will show all passengers the use of _____________, the location of the emergency exits on board. A: life vest B: oxygen mask C: seat belt D: All above

    The flight attendants will show all passengers the use of _____________, the location of the emergency exits on board. A: life vest B: oxygen mask C: seat belt D: All above

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