• 2022-06-01 问题

    2.{对于下列递归函数: A: f factorial(n): B: turn n * factorial(n - 1) C: )是正确的。} D: 调用factorial(0),返回值0 E: 调用factorial(1),返回值1 F: 调用factorial(2),返回值2 G: 调用factorial(3),返回值6 H: 函数无限运行,导致StackOverflowError异常

    2.{对于下列递归函数: A: f factorial(n): B: turn n * factorial(n - 1) C: )是正确的。} D: 调用factorial(0),返回值0 E: 调用factorial(1),返回值1 F: 调用factorial(2),返回值2 G: 调用factorial(3),返回值6 H: 函数无限运行,导致StackOverflowError异常

  • 2021-04-14 问题

    请阅读以下代码,调用函数factorial(4)的结果为()。 function factorial(n) { // 定义回调函数 if (n == 1) { return 1; // 递归出口 } return n * factorial(n - 1); }

    请阅读以下代码,调用函数factorial(4)的结果为()。 function factorial(n) { // 定义回调函数 if (n == 1) { return 1; // 递归出口 } return n * factorial(n - 1); }

  • 2022-06-07 问题

    In a single replicate of the[img=17x23]1803a1f52b792fd.png[/img] factorial design, since there is only one experimental data at each test point, the variance of the results under this experimental condition cannot be obtained, so we cannot determine the dispersion effect of the single replicate of the factorial design.

    In a single replicate of the[img=17x23]1803a1f52b792fd.png[/img] factorial design, since there is only one experimental data at each test point, the variance of the results under this experimental condition cannot be obtained, so we cannot determine the dispersion effect of the single replicate of the factorial design.

  • 2022-06-07 问题

    In a single replicate of the [img=17x23]1803a1f2693219c.png[/img] factorial design, since there is only one experimental data at each test point, the variance of the results under this experimental condition cannot be obtained, so we cannot determine the dispersion effect of the single replicate of the factorial design.

    In a single replicate of the [img=17x23]1803a1f2693219c.png[/img] factorial design, since there is only one experimental data at each test point, the variance of the results under this experimental condition cannot be obtained, so we cannot determine the dispersion effect of the single replicate of the factorial design.

  • 2021-04-14 问题



  • 2022-06-10 问题

    Which of the following method should we use when dealing with experiments with more than one factor? A: Best-guess B: Factorial experiment C: One-factor-at-a-time D: Blocking

    Which of the following method should we use when dealing with experiments with more than one factor? A: Best-guess B: Factorial experiment C: One-factor-at-a-time D: Blocking

  • 2022-06-17 问题

    math模块中的________函数,用于比较两个参数的相似性,返回True或False。 A: gcd B: factorial C: isclose D: frexp

    math模块中的________函数,用于比较两个参数的相似性,返回True或False。 A: gcd B: factorial C: isclose D: frexp

  • 2022-06-05 问题

    下列有关Python计算排列组合阶乘等,错误的是___________。 A: 可通过scipy.special模块中导入,如 from scipy.special import perm,comb B: 可通过标椎库math中导入,如 from math import perm,comb C: 阶乘可通过标椎库math中导入, from math import factorial D: 阶乘可通过numpy库中导入, from numpy import factorial

    下列有关Python计算排列组合阶乘等,错误的是___________。 A: 可通过scipy.special模块中导入,如 from scipy.special import perm,comb B: 可通过标椎库math中导入,如 from math import perm,comb C: 阶乘可通过标椎库math中导入, from math import factorial D: 阶乘可通过numpy库中导入, from numpy import factorial

  • 2022-06-03 问题

    让5个学生站成一行照相,计算有多少种排列方法是( ) A: factorial(5) B: nchoosek(5) C: prod(5) D: sum(5)

    让5个学生站成一行照相,计算有多少种排列方法是( ) A: factorial(5) B: nchoosek(5) C: prod(5) D: sum(5)

  • 2022-05-27 问题

    import mathmath.factorial(5),math.gcd(36,24)两个函数输出的结果(). 说明:factorial(x)是返回x的阶乘;gcd(a,b)返回a与b的最大公约数。 A: 120,12 B: 5,24 C: 120,36 D: 5,12

    import mathmath.factorial(5),math.gcd(36,24)两个函数输出的结果(). 说明:factorial(x)是返回x的阶乘;gcd(a,b)返回a与b的最大公约数。 A: 120,12 B: 5,24 C: 120,36 D: 5,12

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