They talked in whispers, but still, I couldn’t help but __________ their conversation. A: overhear B: to overhear C: overhearing D: overheard
They talked in whispers, but still, I couldn’t help but __________ their conversation. A: overhear B: to overhear C: overhearing D: overheard
中国大学MOOC: If you stand under a _____, you can probably overhear what the Cowherd and the Weaving Maid are talking about.
中国大学MOOC: If you stand under a _____, you can probably overhear what the Cowherd and the Weaving Maid are talking about.
If you stand under a _____, you can probably overhear what the Cowherd and the Weaving Maid are talking about. A: cassia B: laurel C: grapevine D: pine
If you stand under a _____, you can probably overhear what the Cowherd and the Weaving Maid are talking about. A: cassia B: laurel C: grapevine D: pine