Which of the following classes are mentioned in the Gym? A: step B: boxing C: fitball D: hip hop
Which of the following classes are mentioned in the Gym? A: step B: boxing C: fitball D: hip hop
时尚课程内容包括:传统有氧操(HI-LOW)、( )、动感单车(SPINNING)、健身球(FITBALL)、健身杠铃(BODY-PUMP)。 A: 健身舞蹈(FIT DANCE)、 B: 有氧搏击(KICK BOXING) C: 形神课程(MIND BODY) D: 健身踏板(FIT STEP)
时尚课程内容包括:传统有氧操(HI-LOW)、( )、动感单车(SPINNING)、健身球(FITBALL)、健身杠铃(BODY-PUMP)。 A: 健身舞蹈(FIT DANCE)、 B: 有氧搏击(KICK BOXING) C: 形神课程(MIND BODY) D: 健身踏板(FIT STEP)