• 2022-06-05 问题

    在项目中,使用location关键字指定该表在HDFS上的存储路径,使用( )压缩格式 A: 拉兹罗 B: Gzip压缩 C: Snappy压缩 D: Bzip2压缩

    在项目中,使用location关键字指定该表在HDFS上的存储路径,使用( )压缩格式 A: 拉兹罗 B: Gzip压缩 C: Snappy压缩 D: Bzip2压缩

  • 2022-11-01 问题

    下面描述正确的是(多选 A: gzip压缩不支持split B: Lzo压缩后文件后缀名为.lzo,支持split C: Snappy压缩算不支持split D: Lz4压缩算法不支持split

    下面描述正确的是(多选 A: gzip压缩不支持split B: Lzo压缩后文件后缀名为.lzo,支持split C: Snappy压缩算不支持split D: Lz4压缩算法不支持split

  • 2022-05-28 问题

    Judging from what the author has said in Para. 7, we can know that the author _____. A: does not hold a negative attitude toward politicians mocking their opponents B: thinks it’s entirely wrong to appreciate snappy putdowns in the culture of his country C: cannot resist badmouthing other people even today D: thinks that all snubs are malicious and should be thrown away

    Judging from what the author has said in Para. 7, we can know that the author _____. A: does not hold a negative attitude toward politicians mocking their opponents B: thinks it’s entirely wrong to appreciate snappy putdowns in the culture of his country C: cannot resist badmouthing other people even today D: thinks that all snubs are malicious and should be thrown away

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