• 2022-06-03 问题

    All of the plants now farmed on a large scale were developed from plants ____wild.

    All of the plants now farmed on a large scale were developed from plants ____wild.

  • 2021-04-14 问题

    The central plains of China have been farmed continuously for thousands of years and you begin to wonder how they have stayed ( ).

    The central plains of China have been farmed continuously for thousands of years and you begin to wonder how they have stayed ( ).

  • 2022-06-03 问题

    All of the plants now farmed on a large scale were developed from plants ______ wild. A: that once grew B: once they grow C: they once grew D: once grew

    All of the plants now farmed on a large scale were developed from plants ______ wild. A: that once grew B: once they grow C: they once grew D: once grew

  • 2022-05-28 问题

    Which of the following sentences can summarize the main idea of the passage A: Hard times had come to South Carolina. B: Planters found their expenses rising and their income reduced. C: The soil was farmed by uneducated and careless slaves. D: Year after year the soil of South Carolina had been planted with the same crop.

    Which of the following sentences can summarize the main idea of the passage A: Hard times had come to South Carolina. B: Planters found their expenses rising and their income reduced. C: The soil was farmed by uneducated and careless slaves. D: Year after year the soil of South Carolina had been planted with the same crop.

  • 2022-06-06 问题

    全国人大常委会24日通过的这项决定明确规定,凡野生动物法和其它有关法律禁止捕食的动物,以及所有陆生野生动物(包括人工繁育、人工饲养的陆生野生动物),均全面禁止食用。A decision made by the National’s People’s Congress Standing Committee on Monday has made it clear that wildlife on the protection list of the existing Wild Animal Protection Law or other laws , and all terrestrial wildlife, including those ________ bred and farmed, are banned from _________.

    全国人大常委会24日通过的这项决定明确规定,凡野生动物法和其它有关法律禁止捕食的动物,以及所有陆生野生动物(包括人工繁育、人工饲养的陆生野生动物),均全面禁止食用。A decision made by the National’s People’s Congress Standing Committee on Monday has made it clear that wildlife on the protection list of the existing Wild Animal Protection Law or other laws , and all terrestrial wildlife, including those ________ bred and farmed, are banned from _________.

  • 2021-04-14 问题

    After a new-type coronavirus was detected in viral pneumonia cases in Central Chin’s Wuhan city a month ago, more cases have been reported in recent days. 1 : Wear masks outdoors Wearing a mask is one of the most effective ways to protect you from getting infected. Make sure to wear it properly by tightening up the nose clip and spreading germs to others. 2 , a mask is also needed to prevent you from spreading germs to others. Cover your coughs and sneeze with tissue Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue when you cough or sneeze, or you can cough or sneeze into your sleeve, but avoid covering with your hands directly. 3 Wash your hands with soap and running water thoroughly for at least 15 seconds. Before eating and after using the toilet After returning home After touching trash or garbage After contacting with animals or handling animal wastes Strengthen your immune system and exercise regularly Exercise regularly is one of the most important ways to help you stay away from catching any infections. Make sure that shared spaces have good air flow and avoid going to crowded places such as hospitals, railway stations and airports. 4 . Seek prompt medical attention if you have symptoms of fever and respiratory infection. Avoid close contract with people who have flu or cold-like symptoms. 5 . Avoid contract with wild animals or farmed livestock without any protection.

    After a new-type coronavirus was detected in viral pneumonia cases in Central Chin’s Wuhan city a month ago, more cases have been reported in recent days. 1 : Wear masks outdoors Wearing a mask is one of the most effective ways to protect you from getting infected. Make sure to wear it properly by tightening up the nose clip and spreading germs to others. 2 , a mask is also needed to prevent you from spreading germs to others. Cover your coughs and sneeze with tissue Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue when you cough or sneeze, or you can cough or sneeze into your sleeve, but avoid covering with your hands directly. 3 Wash your hands with soap and running water thoroughly for at least 15 seconds. Before eating and after using the toilet After returning home After touching trash or garbage After contacting with animals or handling animal wastes Strengthen your immune system and exercise regularly Exercise regularly is one of the most important ways to help you stay away from catching any infections. Make sure that shared spaces have good air flow and avoid going to crowded places such as hospitals, railway stations and airports. 4 . Seek prompt medical attention if you have symptoms of fever and respiratory infection. Avoid close contract with people who have flu or cold-like symptoms. 5 . Avoid contract with wild animals or farmed livestock without any protection.

  • 2021-04-14 问题

    The Future of Work Is Rich in Technology(长篇阅读题) A) We check e-mail as soon as we reach home, and take a look at our inboxes along the way. We respond to calls, texts, and messages even while on vacation. At work, we use Cisco Telepresence(远程呈现) or Skype to discuss with colleagues all over the world. Companies often allow employees to work from home for one or two days a week; some let them live in remote locations. This has all become the norm. A decade ago, we could not have imagined being always on, always connected, with work following us wherever we go. B) This is just the beginning. The nature of work itself is changing for knowledge workers. During this decade, location will cease to be a barrier; many types of work will be done as micro-tasks; and we will be cooperating in new ways. What will be most problematic is that our employers will make even greater demands on us and further intrude (侵入) into our lives. This is the future we are headed into, whether we like it or not. C) For our grandparents, "work" was almost always in a factory or on a farm. Today, the farm and factory jobs are performed by a decreasing minority. There are still many jobs in the services sector that require physical work. But increasingly our workforce is performing tasks that are done with the mind that require knowledge and skill. These knowledge jobs can be assisted by technology. D) Note how accounting firms routinely outsource (把……外包) boring work, as do lawyers, and as do doctors, for tasks such as medical transcription. Not long ago, small and mid-sized projects were outsourced through Web sites---not just to India but also to remote workers in the United States and Europe. A micro-task economy is now flourishing on some sites, in which smaller tasks are farmed out. Big and small tasks such as data handling, Web site development, design, and transcription are commonly done by workers in diverse locations. Crowdsourcing (众包) is making it possible for work to be done simultaneously (同时的) by many people -no matter where they are. E) Businesses are beginning to do this as well. Rather than locking workers in departmental silos (筒仓), companies on the cutting edge are encouraging employees to start communicating with each other on internal social-media sites. What used to be the quarterly e.-mail from the CEO has become a kind of information-sharing within companies---at all levels. Companies will start designing and developing new products and services by engaging their entire employee base. F) Telepresence robots are taking video conferencing to a new level. There are several products on the market, such as Beam by Suitable Technologies and Fellow Robots, that allow a screen mounted on a mobile platform to move around the office and experience what is happening in a more human way. Imagine walking into your boss’s office while you are at home, stepping into a conference room to join a meeting, or chit-chatting with your peers around the water fountain. Next generation video-conferencing technologies such as Mezzanine by Oblong Industries are using multiple screens and spatial user interfaces (界面) to allow people in different locations to cooperate and share electronic information in a science fiction-like setting. G) We can expect Google Glass-type devices to bring the computer display to our body---so that we view the screen on our glasses and don't need to sit at a desk any more. I expect future versions to provide 3D experiences that simulate the holodecks (全景操作平台) we saw in Star Trek. And who knows, we may well have holodecks that make it feel as though we are together---but that is getting too far into the future. During this decade, we'll have to settle for 2D interfaces and 3D simulations. H) This is all exciting and terrifying enough. But what worries me is the intrusion (侵入) that companies will increasingly make into our lives and the exhaustion we will suffer from always being at the call of our employers. I know from personal experience how hard it is to turn off e-mail and disconnect from social media. This will only get worse for all of us as we become more connected. I) And then there will be demands by our employers for us to better manage our lifestyles---so that they can reduce their health bills and get more out of us. Just as companies reward workers who join health clubs and stop smoking, we will see them making greater demands. They will be able to measure what we do because we will increasingly be wearing biometric (生物计量的) -monitoring devices such as the Nike FuelBand and Fitbit Flex and our smartphones will be adding new sensors. The new generation of sensor-based devices will continually gather data about our movement, heart rate, weight, sleep, and other health-related matters and upload these to the cloud. Before giving you more sick leave, employers will probably demand that you improve your lifestyle and habits. J) All of this may seem like science fiction, but it isn't. The future is happening faster than we think and changing important parts of our existence.

    The Future of Work Is Rich in Technology(长篇阅读题) A) We check e-mail as soon as we reach home, and take a look at our inboxes along the way. We respond to calls, texts, and messages even while on vacation. At work, we use Cisco Telepresence(远程呈现) or Skype to discuss with colleagues all over the world. Companies often allow employees to work from home for one or two days a week; some let them live in remote locations. This has all become the norm. A decade ago, we could not have imagined being always on, always connected, with work following us wherever we go. B) This is just the beginning. The nature of work itself is changing for knowledge workers. During this decade, location will cease to be a barrier; many types of work will be done as micro-tasks; and we will be cooperating in new ways. What will be most problematic is that our employers will make even greater demands on us and further intrude (侵入) into our lives. This is the future we are headed into, whether we like it or not. C) For our grandparents, "work" was almost always in a factory or on a farm. Today, the farm and factory jobs are performed by a decreasing minority. There are still many jobs in the services sector that require physical work. But increasingly our workforce is performing tasks that are done with the mind that require knowledge and skill. These knowledge jobs can be assisted by technology. D) Note how accounting firms routinely outsource (把……外包) boring work, as do lawyers, and as do doctors, for tasks such as medical transcription. Not long ago, small and mid-sized projects were outsourced through Web sites---not just to India but also to remote workers in the United States and Europe. A micro-task economy is now flourishing on some sites, in which smaller tasks are farmed out. Big and small tasks such as data handling, Web site development, design, and transcription are commonly done by workers in diverse locations. Crowdsourcing (众包) is making it possible for work to be done simultaneously (同时的) by many people -no matter where they are. E) Businesses are beginning to do this as well. Rather than locking workers in departmental silos (筒仓), companies on the cutting edge are encouraging employees to start communicating with each other on internal social-media sites. What used to be the quarterly e.-mail from the CEO has become a kind of information-sharing within companies---at all levels. Companies will start designing and developing new products and services by engaging their entire employee base. F) Telepresence robots are taking video conferencing to a new level. There are several products on the market, such as Beam by Suitable Technologies and Fellow Robots, that allow a screen mounted on a mobile platform to move around the office and experience what is happening in a more human way. Imagine walking into your boss’s office while you are at home, stepping into a conference room to join a meeting, or chit-chatting with your peers around the water fountain. Next generation video-conferencing technologies such as Mezzanine by Oblong Industries are using multiple screens and spatial user interfaces (界面) to allow people in different locations to cooperate and share electronic information in a science fiction-like setting. G) We can expect Google Glass-type devices to bring the computer display to our body---so that we view the screen on our glasses and don't need to sit at a desk any more. I expect future versions to provide 3D experiences that simulate the holodecks (全景操作平台) we saw in Star Trek. And who knows, we may well have holodecks that make it feel as though we are together---but that is getting too far into the future. During this decade, we'll have to settle for 2D interfaces and 3D simulations. H) This is all exciting and terrifying enough. But what worries me is the intrusion (侵入) that companies will increasingly make into our lives and the exhaustion we will suffer from always being at the call of our employers. I know from personal experience how hard it is to turn off e-mail and disconnect from social media. This will only get worse for all of us as we become more connected. I) And then there will be demands by our employers for us to better manage our lifestyles---so that they can reduce their health bills and get more out of us. Just as companies reward workers who join health clubs and stop smoking, we will see them making greater demands. They will be able to measure what we do because we will increasingly be wearing biometric (生物计量的) -monitoring devices such as the Nike FuelBand and Fitbit Flex and our smartphones will be adding new sensors. The new generation of sensor-based devices will continually gather data about our movement, heart rate, weight, sleep, and other health-related matters and upload these to the cloud. Before giving you more sick leave, employers will probably demand that you improve your lifestyle and habits. J) All of this may seem like science fiction, but it isn't. The future is happening faster than we think and changing important parts of our existence.

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