下列翻译正确的是( ) A: Extractum Menthae B: Da Tinctura Belladonnae C: Extractum Rhei Liquidus D: Semen Rheum
下列翻译正确的是( ) A: Extractum Menthae B: Da Tinctura Belladonnae C: Extractum Rhei Liquidus D: Semen Rheum
大黄药材的拉丁名是 A: Meretricis Concha B: Erodii Herba C: Rhei Radix et Rhizoma D: Armeniacae Semen Amarum
大黄药材的拉丁名是 A: Meretricis Concha B: Erodii Herba C: Rhei Radix et Rhizoma D: Armeniacae Semen Amarum
4. The famous Greek philosopher Heraclitus (赫拉克利特) put forward his famous notion of “panta rhei, meaning “everything changes” and gave a more famous philosophicalstatement:____ A: One cannot step into the same river once B: One cannot step into the same river twice. C: One can step into the same river twice.
4. The famous Greek philosopher Heraclitus (赫拉克利特) put forward his famous notion of “panta rhei, meaning “everything changes” and gave a more famous philosophicalstatement:____ A: One cannot step into the same river once B: One cannot step into the same river twice. C: One can step into the same river twice.