• 2022-06-11 问题

    在杰普逊手册中,世界各地的当地时(包括夏令时)可以在哪个文本-部分中查到()。 A: METEROLOGY B: ENROUTE C: ENTRYERQUIREMENTS D: TABLESANDCODES

    在杰普逊手册中,世界各地的当地时(包括夏令时)可以在哪个文本-部分中查到()。 A: METEROLOGY B: ENROUTE C: ENTRYERQUIREMENTS D: TABLESANDCODES

  • 2022-06-06 问题

    Lesson 4 Setence Order -4Directions: Rearrange the following words and phrases to form reasonable transmissions A: Beijing Delivery B: cleared to Wuhan C: intial climb to 600meters, request level change enroute, follow DFK-01 D departure, squawk 3215, contact 122.34 when airborne D: CCA9821 E: via flight planned route

    Lesson 4 Setence Order -4Directions: Rearrange the following words and phrases to form reasonable transmissions A: Beijing Delivery B: cleared to Wuhan C: intial climb to 600meters, request level change enroute, follow DFK-01 D departure, squawk 3215, contact 122.34 when airborne D: CCA9821 E: via flight planned route

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