• 2022-05-27 问题

    The main symptoms of gingivitis patients are ( ) A: Tooth displacement B: Oral odor C: Food impaction D: Bleeding gums

    The main symptoms of gingivitis patients are ( ) A: Tooth displacement B: Oral odor C: Food impaction D: Bleeding gums

  • 2022-06-07 问题

    Which of the following can cause generalized lymphadenopathy( ) A: Suppurative tonsillitis B: Gingivitis C: Metastatic cancer D: Acute mastitis E: Infectious mononucleosis

    Which of the following can cause generalized lymphadenopathy( ) A: Suppurative tonsillitis B: Gingivitis C: Metastatic cancer D: Acute mastitis E: Infectious mononucleosis

  • 2022-06-04 问题

    If I haven't been brushing my teeth often enough, I may end up with bleeding from my gums, a condition called A: hepatitis B: colitis C: gingivitis D: stomatitis E: proctitis

    If I haven't been brushing my teeth often enough, I may end up with bleeding from my gums, a condition called A: hepatitis B: colitis C: gingivitis D: stomatitis E: proctitis

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