After Heracles completed the last of these ten labors, Eurystheus gave him two more.
After Heracles completed the last of these ten labors, Eurystheus gave him two more.
In Greek Mythology, which hero was directed to serve King Eurystheus for 12 years and managed to accomplish the twelve great labors? A: Perseus B: Theseus C: Jason D: Heracles
In Greek Mythology, which hero was directed to serve King Eurystheus for 12 years and managed to accomplish the twelve great labors? A: Perseus B: Theseus C: Jason D: Heracles
Nemean Lion was a large lion whose hide was impervious to weapons. It plagued the district of Nemea in the Argolis. King Eurystheus commanded ____________to destroy the beast as the first of his twelve Labours. A: Midas B: Atalanta C: Heracles D: Endymion
Nemean Lion was a large lion whose hide was impervious to weapons. It plagued the district of Nemea in the Argolis. King Eurystheus commanded ____________to destroy the beast as the first of his twelve Labours. A: Midas B: Atalanta C: Heracles D: Endymion
Which of the following is NOT what Hera did to Heracles? A: Made Heracles born later than Eurystheus B: Sent snakes to harm him C: Threw him out into the wild field D: Made him kill his children in madness
Which of the following is NOT what Hera did to Heracles? A: Made Heracles born later than Eurystheus B: Sent snakes to harm him C: Threw him out into the wild field D: Made him kill his children in madness
How did Heracles die? A: His wife murdered him for cheating on her. B: He was killed by poison from Centaur Nessus. C: He died when completing one of his 12 labors. D: He was killed by Eurystheus out of fear.
How did Heracles die? A: His wife murdered him for cheating on her. B: He was killed by poison from Centaur Nessus. C: He died when completing one of his 12 labors. D: He was killed by Eurystheus out of fear.