常开触点与母线连接是() A: ALD B: BLDN C: COUT D: DANI
常开触点与母线连接是() A: ALD B: BLDN C: COUT D: DANI
串联一个常开触点时采用()指令。 A: AAND B: BORI C: COR D: DANI
串联一个常开触点时采用()指令。 A: AAND B: BORI C: COR D: DANI
三菱PLC编程常开触点串联指令是()。 A: AA B: BAN C: CAND D: DANI
三菱PLC编程常开触点串联指令是()。 A: AA B: BAN C: CAND D: DANI
常开(动合)触点与母线连接的指令是()。 A: ALD B: BLDI C: C= D: DANI
常开(动合)触点与母线连接的指令是()。 A: ALD B: BLDI C: C= D: DANI
在PLC指令系统中,串联一个动断触点采用的指令是()。 A: AOR B: BORI C: CAND D: DANI
在PLC指令系统中,串联一个动断触点采用的指令是()。 A: AOR B: BORI C: CAND D: DANI
Which statement is correct?( ) A: Zuni speakers have one color term for yellow and orange. B: Eskimo and English have the same amount of words to describe snow. C: Dani people have 11 basic color terms. D: Spanish and Americans name the object “house” similarly.
Which statement is correct?( ) A: Zuni speakers have one color term for yellow and orange. B: Eskimo and English have the same amount of words to describe snow. C: Dani people have 11 basic color terms. D: Spanish and Americans name the object “house” similarly.