Which is the most common component of urinary calculi A: Cystine B: Uri acid C: Calcium oxalate D: Hydroxyapatite E: Brushite
Which is the most common component of urinary calculi A: Cystine B: Uri acid C: Calcium oxalate D: Hydroxyapatite E: Brushite
When two drops of CaCl2 solution were added to the potassium ferrioxalate (III) solution, the solution became turbid, indicating that oxalate is in the outside of the complex.
When two drops of CaCl2 solution were added to the potassium ferrioxalate (III) solution, the solution became turbid, indicating that oxalate is in the outside of the complex.
What<br/>microstructures can be observed in Rhubarb powder? A: clusters of calcium oxalate B: vessels C: starch granules D: brown cells E: stone cells
What<br/>microstructures can be observed in Rhubarb powder? A: clusters of calcium oxalate B: vessels C: starch granules D: brown cells E: stone cells
When two drops of CaCl2 solution were added to the potassium ferrioxalate (III) solution, the solution became turbid, indicating that oxalate is in the outside of the complex. A: 正确 B: 错误
When two drops of CaCl2 solution were added to the potassium ferrioxalate (III) solution, the solution became turbid, indicating that oxalate is in the outside of the complex. A: 正确 B: 错误