• 2022-06-08 问题

    以下程序的运行结果为( )。class Apple { int n1 = 5; static int n2 = 0; void fun() { n1++; n2++; } } public class Main { public static void main(String[] args) { Apple apple1 = new Apple(); Apple apple2 = new Apple(); apple1.fun(); System.out.print(apple1.n1 + "," + apple1.n2 + ";"); apple2.fun(); apple2.fun(); System.out.print(apple2.n1 + "," + apple2.n2); } }

    以下程序的运行结果为( )。class Apple { int n1 = 5; static int n2 = 0; void fun() { n1++; n2++; } } public class Main { public static void main(String[] args) { Apple apple1 = new Apple(); Apple apple2 = new Apple(); apple1.fun(); System.out.print(apple1.n1 + "," + apple1.n2 + ";"); apple2.fun(); apple2.fun(); System.out.print(apple2.n1 + "," + apple2.n2); } }

  • 2022-06-08 问题

    编写代码完成两个变量的交换。 ___________; var apple1 = '青苹果'; var apple2 = '红苹果'; temp = apple1; ________________; apple2 = temp; console.log(apple1); // 输出结果:________ console.log(apple2); // 输出结果:________

    编写代码完成两个变量的交换。 ___________; var apple1 = '青苹果'; var apple2 = '红苹果'; temp = apple1; ________________; apple2 = temp; console.log(apple1); // 输出结果:________ console.log(apple2); // 输出结果:________

  • 2022-06-08 问题

    若有语句:chars1[]="apple1",s2[8],*s3,*s4="apple2";则对库函数strcpy错误调用的是______ A: strcpy(s1,"apple2"); B: strcpy(s4,"apple1"); C: strcpy(s3,"apple1"); D: strcpy("apple2",s2);

    若有语句:chars1[]="apple1",s2[8],*s3,*s4="apple2";则对库函数strcpy错误调用的是______ A: strcpy(s1,"apple2"); B: strcpy(s4,"apple1"); C: strcpy(s3,"apple1"); D: strcpy("apple2",s2);

  • 2022-05-28 问题

    若有语句:int *apple,a=4;和apple=&a;下面均代表地址的一组选项是______ A: a,apple,*&a B: &*a,&a,*apple C: *&apple,*apple,&a D: &a,&*apple,apple

    若有语句:int *apple,a=4;和apple=&a;下面均代表地址的一组选项是______ A: a,apple,*&a B: &*a,&a,*apple C: *&apple,*apple,&a D: &a,&*apple,apple

  • 2022-06-10 问题

    对于字符串和for循环的知识点,现设置代码如下:[img=413x259]17da6f9eb7df542.png[/img]请分析这段代码的输出结果为( )。 A: {'grape': '1',apple': '2','watermelon': '3','lemon': '4'} B: {grape:1,apple:2,watermelon:3,lemon:4} C: ['grape';'1', 'apple':12', 'watermelon';'3','lemon';'4'] D: [grape:1,apple:2,watermelon:3,lemon:4]

    对于字符串和for循环的知识点,现设置代码如下:[img=413x259]17da6f9eb7df542.png[/img]请分析这段代码的输出结果为( )。 A: {'grape': '1',apple': '2','watermelon': '3','lemon': '4'} B: {grape:1,apple:2,watermelon:3,lemon:4} C: ['grape';'1', 'apple':12', 'watermelon';'3','lemon';'4'] D: [grape:1,apple:2,watermelon:3,lemon:4]

  • 2022-06-01 问题

    ‎以下关于Python自带数据结构的运算结果中正确的是哪一项?​ A: l = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]; del l[2:4]; 则运算之后l为[1, 2, 3]。 B: l = [2, 1, 3, 5, 4]; l.remove(3); l.sort(); 则运算之后l为[1, 2, 4, 5]。 C: basket = ['apple', 'banana', 'apple', 'orange'] ; fruit = set(basket); len(fruit) 的运算结果是4。 D: basket = ['apple', 'banana', 'apple', 'orange'] ; fruit = set(basket); fruit2 = set(['apple', 'melo']); len(fruit | fruit2) 的结果是5。

    ‎以下关于Python自带数据结构的运算结果中正确的是哪一项?​ A: l = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]; del l[2:4]; 则运算之后l为[1, 2, 3]。 B: l = [2, 1, 3, 5, 4]; l.remove(3); l.sort(); 则运算之后l为[1, 2, 4, 5]。 C: basket = ['apple', 'banana', 'apple', 'orange'] ; fruit = set(basket); len(fruit) 的运算结果是4。 D: basket = ['apple', 'banana', 'apple', 'orange'] ; fruit = set(basket); fruit2 = set(['apple', 'melo']); len(fruit | fruit2) 的结果是5。

  • 2022-05-29 问题

    Apple designed the Apple Watch to——

    Apple designed the Apple Watch to——

  • 2022-06-06 问题

    Which apple began the wisdom of human beings? ( ). A: The apple of Adam and Eve B: The apple of Newton C: The apple Steve Jobs

    Which apple began the wisdom of human beings? ( ). A: The apple of Adam and Eve B: The apple of Newton C: The apple Steve Jobs

  • 2021-04-14 问题

    关于命令echo -e "1 apple2 pear3 banana">>fruit.txt,下面哪些描述是错误的

    关于命令echo -e "1 apple2 pear3 banana">>fruit.txt,下面哪些描述是错误的

  • 2022-05-27 问题

    12. In Apple's 2019 developer conference, it is declared that Apple splits ______ into three separate apps: Music, Apple Podcasts and Apple TV.

    12. In Apple's 2019 developer conference, it is declared that Apple splits ______ into three separate apps: Music, Apple Podcasts and Apple TV.

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