• 2021-04-14 问题

    在DNA重组连接时,常采用连接头连接(linker ligation),其作用是( )

    在DNA重组连接时,常采用连接头连接(linker ligation),其作用是( )

  • 2022-06-06 问题

    () Execute the function of translating code, and execute the source<br/>program immediately without generating intermediate code. A: Compiler B: assembler C: Interpreters D: Linker

    () Execute the function of translating code, and execute the source<br/>program immediately without generating intermediate code. A: Compiler B: assembler C: Interpreters D: Linker

  • 2022-06-07 问题

    网站首页的头部设置主要有()。 A: linker(链接)设置 B: keywords(枢纽词) C: title(标题)设置 D: description(描述)设置

    网站首页的头部设置主要有()。 A: linker(链接)设置 B: keywords(枢纽词) C: title(标题)设置 D: description(描述)设置

  • 2022-06-06 问题

    High-level<br/>languages must first be translated into a machine language before they can be<br/>understood and processed by a computer. This job is often done by ( ). A: an assembler B: a linker C: a loader D: a compiler

    High-level<br/>languages must first be translated into a machine language before they can be<br/>understood and processed by a computer. This job is often done by ( ). A: an assembler B: a linker C: a loader D: a compiler

  • 2022-06-11 问题

    Which of the following can relax muscles? A: activate Ca2+ channels of nerve endings B: promote ACh release of nerve endings C: activate ACh receptor-gated channel on the endplate membrane D: activate cholinesterase in the gap of the linker

    Which of the following can relax muscles? A: activate Ca2+ channels of nerve endings B: promote ACh release of nerve endings C: activate ACh receptor-gated channel on the endplate membrane D: activate cholinesterase in the gap of the linker

  • 2022-11-01 问题

    In<br/>C++, a preprocessor directive is a ( ) A: single-line<br/>command introduced into a C++ source file B: command-line argument supplied to the linker C: command-line<br/>argument supplied to the execution D: command-line<br/>argument supplied to theoperating system

    In<br/>C++, a preprocessor directive is a ( ) A: single-line<br/>command introduced into a C++ source file B: command-line argument supplied to the linker C: command-line<br/>argument supplied to the execution D: command-line<br/>argument supplied to theoperating system

  • 2022-06-04 问题

    将高阶语言所撰写的程序转换为机器语言,但是并不储存目的码做为将来之用的翻译程序,是下列何种程序:() A: 直译程序(Interpreter) B: 组译程序(Assembler) C: 编译程序(Compiler) D: 连结程序(Linker)

    将高阶语言所撰写的程序转换为机器语言,但是并不储存目的码做为将来之用的翻译程序,是下列何种程序:() A: 直译程序(Interpreter) B: 组译程序(Assembler) C: 编译程序(Compiler) D: 连结程序(Linker)

  • 2022-06-07 问题

    有关核酸化学合成技术的下列说法,正确的是() A: 该技术可用于合成基因 B: 该技术可用于构建接头序列(linker) C: 该技术可用于引入突变 D: 该技术可用于合成DNA测序的引物 E: 该技术可用于合成杂交探针

    有关核酸化学合成技术的下列说法,正确的是() A: 该技术可用于合成基因 B: 该技术可用于构建接头序列(linker) C: 该技术可用于引入突变 D: 该技术可用于合成DNA测序的引物 E: 该技术可用于合成杂交探针

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