The word 'bipolar' , which is in "Bipolar junction transistor" , means that there are two types of charge carrier in the transistor.
The word 'bipolar' , which is in "Bipolar junction transistor" , means that there are two types of charge carrier in the transistor.
Bipolar Disorder belongs to severe mental disorder
Bipolar Disorder belongs to severe mental disorder
The machine does the calculations in _______ . A: binary B: bipolar C: bisexual D: bilingual
The machine does the calculations in _______ . A: binary B: bipolar C: bisexual D: bilingual
The<br/>modes of operation of a npn bipolar transistor are ( ). A: forward-active B: cut-off C: reverse-active D: saturation
The<br/>modes of operation of a npn bipolar transistor are ( ). A: forward-active B: cut-off C: reverse-active D: saturation
Which of the following are generally considered to be a ‘family type’? A: Nuclear family B: Bipolar family C: Single-parent family D: Extended family
Which of the following are generally considered to be a ‘family type’? A: Nuclear family B: Bipolar family C: Single-parent family D: Extended family
Which<br/>one is not Junction Field-Effect Transistor.( ) A: pn<br/>JFET B: MESFET C: HEMT D: bipolar<br/>transitor
Which<br/>one is not Junction Field-Effect Transistor.( ) A: pn<br/>JFET B: MESFET C: HEMT D: bipolar<br/>transitor
The cells belonging to the outermost layer of the retina are: A: Pigment epithelial cell B: Bipolar nerve cell C: Cone cell D: Ganglion cell
The cells belonging to the outermost layer of the retina are: A: Pigment epithelial cell B: Bipolar nerve cell C: Cone cell D: Ganglion cell
Where synapses of olfactory nerve are made? A: mucosa of the superior nasal conchae B: bipolar neuron C: olfactory bulb D: olfactory tract
Where synapses of olfactory nerve are made? A: mucosa of the superior nasal conchae B: bipolar neuron C: olfactory bulb D: olfactory tract
Two<br/>breakdown mechanisms in a bipolar transistor are ( ). A: punch-through. B: reverse<br/>breakdown C: avalanche<br/>breakdown D: near<br/>avalanche breakdown
Two<br/>breakdown mechanisms in a bipolar transistor are ( ). A: punch-through. B: reverse<br/>breakdown C: avalanche<br/>breakdown D: near<br/>avalanche breakdown
Obsessive-compulsive disorder has the highest comorbidity rate with the following mental disorders of ( ). A: Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD) B: Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) C: Bipolar Disorder (BD) D: Schizophrenia
Obsessive-compulsive disorder has the highest comorbidity rate with the following mental disorders of ( ). A: Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD) B: Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) C: Bipolar Disorder (BD) D: Schizophrenia