• 2022-06-08 问题

    Which of the following is not the features of application letters? A: Clearness B: Conciseness C: Correctness D: Concreteness

    Which of the following is not the features of application letters? A: Clearness B: Conciseness C: Correctness D: Concreteness

  • 2021-04-14 问题

    “Please airmail us the latest price list and sample for our reference. ” The above example violates the concreteness principle.

    “Please airmail us the latest price list and sample for our reference. ” The above example violates the concreteness principle.

  • 2021-04-14 问题

    To make their writing effective, business writers often apply 7C’s Principles (i.e. clarity, conciseness, correctness, concreteness, creativeness, consideration and courtesy) to their writing.

    To make their writing effective, business writers often apply 7C’s Principles (i.e. clarity, conciseness, correctness, concreteness, creativeness, consideration and courtesy) to their writing.

  • 2022-06-07 问题

    The principle of _____ means making the message specific, definite and vivid rather than vague, general and abstract. A: Conciseness B: Clarity C: Completeness D: Concreteness

    The principle of _____ means making the message specific, definite and vivid rather than vague, general and abstract. A: Conciseness B: Clarity C: Completeness D: Concreteness

  • 2022-06-07 问题

    _____ means making our message specific, definite and vivid rather than vague, general and abstract. A: Clarity B: Concreteness C: Courtesy D: Completeness

    _____ means making our message specific, definite and vivid rather than vague, general and abstract. A: Clarity B: Concreteness C: Courtesy D: Completeness

  • 2022-06-08 问题

    It is generally acknowledged that the stylistic features of business letters are seven “Cs”: A: completeness B: conciseness C: concreteness D: correctness E: clarity F: consideration G: courtesy

    It is generally acknowledged that the stylistic features of business letters are seven “Cs”: A: completeness B: conciseness C: concreteness D: correctness E: clarity F: consideration G: courtesy

  • 2022-05-28 问题

    “I am planning a trip to Europe in the near future and would like to meet you to discuss opening an office.”This sentence fails to follow the principle of ( ) A: Concreteness B: Correctness C: Conciseness D: Completeness

    “I am planning a trip to Europe in the near future and would like to meet you to discuss opening an office.”This sentence fails to follow the principle of ( ) A: Concreteness B: Correctness C: Conciseness D: Completeness

  • 2022-06-12 问题

    What are the right principles in writing a business lette A: Clearness, Conciseness,Correctness, Seriousness B: Consideration, Courtesy, Completeness, Concreteness C: Consideration, Courtesy, Advance, Clearness D: Conciseness,Correctness, Completeness,Fluency

    What are the right principles in writing a business lette A: Clearness, Conciseness,Correctness, Seriousness B: Consideration, Courtesy, Completeness, Concreteness C: Consideration, Courtesy, Advance, Clearness D: Conciseness,Correctness, Completeness,Fluency

  • 2022-06-12 问题

    Writing Principles of the Business Letter A: Courtesy B: Conciseness C: Correctness D: Cleaness E: Collect F: Completeness G: Concise H: Consideration I: Clarity J: Concreteness K: Finishness L: Simplity M: Correctly

    Writing Principles of the Business Letter A: Courtesy B: Conciseness C: Correctness D: Cleaness E: Collect F: Completeness G: Concise H: Consideration I: Clarity J: Concreteness K: Finishness L: Simplity M: Correctly

  • 2022-06-03 问题

    Which of the following statements is NOT true about clarity in academic writing? A: It is better to use simple language and avoid sentence structures that are too complicated. B: It is necessary to keep a balance between abstraction and concreteness because too many abstract words may confuse readers. C: Nouns are more formal than verbs, so writers should not use too many verbs. D: Complex phrases are usually difficult to read and thus may not communicate ideas effectively.

    Which of the following statements is NOT true about clarity in academic writing? A: It is better to use simple language and avoid sentence structures that are too complicated. B: It is necessary to keep a balance between abstraction and concreteness because too many abstract words may confuse readers. C: Nouns are more formal than verbs, so writers should not use too many verbs. D: Complex phrases are usually difficult to read and thus may not communicate ideas effectively.

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