The popularity of Grand Theft Auto 3 will stimulate producers to invest more violent videogames because they are ______.
The popularity of Grand Theft Auto 3 will stimulate producers to invest more violent videogames because they are ______.
The more he drank,(). A: the more he became violent B: the more violent he became C: he became the more violent D: the more violent became he
The more he drank,(). A: the more he became violent B: the more violent he became C: he became the more violent D: the more violent became he
点群、布拉维格子、晶系、晶族的种数依次为 A: 32、14、7、3 B: 280、32、14、3 C: 14、14、7、3 D: 14、14、7、3
点群、布拉维格子、晶系、晶族的种数依次为 A: 32、14、7、3 B: 280、32、14、3 C: 14、14、7、3 D: 14、14、7、3
14-3Violent programs on television may have a bad ( ) on children. A: affection B: pressure C: influence D: control
14-3Violent programs on television may have a bad ( ) on children. A: affection B: pressure C: influence D: control
(4)$A$矢量的方向余弦(与三个坐标轴的夹角余弦)的大小是: A: $cos\alpha=3/\sqrt{14},cos\beta=-1/\sqrt{14},cos\gamma=3/\sqrt{14}$ B: $cos\alpha=4/\sqrt{14},cos\beta=-1/\sqrt{14},cos\gamma=3/\sqrt{14}$ C: $cos\alpha=2/\sqrt{14},cos\beta=-1/\sqrt{14},cos\gamma=3/\sqrt{14}$ D: $cos\alpha=3/\sqrt{14},cos\beta=9/\sqrt{14},cos\gamma=3/\sqrt{14}$
(4)$A$矢量的方向余弦(与三个坐标轴的夹角余弦)的大小是: A: $cos\alpha=3/\sqrt{14},cos\beta=-1/\sqrt{14},cos\gamma=3/\sqrt{14}$ B: $cos\alpha=4/\sqrt{14},cos\beta=-1/\sqrt{14},cos\gamma=3/\sqrt{14}$ C: $cos\alpha=2/\sqrt{14},cos\beta=-1/\sqrt{14},cos\gamma=3/\sqrt{14}$ D: $cos\alpha=3/\sqrt{14},cos\beta=9/\sqrt{14},cos\gamma=3/\sqrt{14}$
Children should not be allowed to watch ________ movies. A: violent B: violently C: violence D: more violent
Children should not be allowed to watch ________ movies. A: violent B: violently C: violence D: more violent
After a violent struggle, ________________.
After a violent struggle, ________________.
_____________is sure to __________ the recent______ in violent crime.
_____________is sure to __________ the recent______ in violent crime.
When was the plague particularly violent?
When was the plague particularly violent?
√2,3,√28,√65,( )A,2√14;B,√83;C,4√14;D,3√14;
√2,3,√28,√65,( )A,2√14;B,√83;C,4√14;D,3√14;