• 2022-06-05 问题

    Therewas______competitionforthisproductinthoseyears,sowemade______moneyeasily. A: little;alotof B: alittle;alotof C: alittle; lots of D: little;alots of

    Therewas______competitionforthisproductinthoseyears,sowemade______moneyeasily. A: little;alotof B: alittle;alotof C: alittle; lots of D: little;alots of

  • 2022-06-15 问题

    Ithinkthewatchis____________expensive. A: muchmore B: little C: alittle

    Ithinkthewatchis____________expensive. A: muchmore B: little C: alittle

  • 2022-06-07 问题

    Directions:Pleasecompletethesentenceswiththewordsorexpressionsinthebox.Makechangeswhennecessary.portraitdirectmuscularbaldrecognizefamiliaroverweightcurlysighedslimI want togoon a diet.I am alittle .

    Directions:Pleasecompletethesentenceswiththewordsorexpressionsinthebox.Makechangeswhennecessary.portraitdirectmuscularbaldrecognizefamiliaroverweightcurlysighedslimI want togoon a diet.I am alittle .

  • 2022-06-05 问题

    Therewas______foodleft,thoughweallgothungry. A: little B: alittle C: few

    Therewas______foodleft,thoughweallgothungry. A: little B: alittle C: few

  • 2022-05-28 问题

    Itis()higher. A: alittle B: a C: many D: more

    Itis()higher. A: alittle B: a C: many D: more

  • 2022-06-07 问题

    Therewere_______peopleinthestreetatmidnight.Sohedrovefast. A: afew B: few C: alittle D: little

    Therewere_______peopleinthestreetatmidnight.Sohedrovefast. A: afew B: few C: alittle D: little

  • 2022-06-15 问题

    Shebroughtme______fruit. A: sucha B: alittle C: all D: anumberof

    Shebroughtme______fruit. A: sucha B: alittle C: all D: anumberof

  • 2022-06-07 问题

    Therewere_____friendsofhisinthehall,soheleft. A: afew B: few C: alittle D: little

    Therewere_____friendsofhisinthehall,soheleft. A: afew B: few C: alittle D: little

  • 2022-06-12 问题



  • 2022-06-17 问题

    Theword“somewhat”underlinedinParagraph1couldbereplacedby A: indefinitely B: infact C: alittle D: alot

    Theword“somewhat”underlinedinParagraph1couldbereplacedby A: indefinitely B: infact C: alittle D: alot

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