The movement of a microorganism or cell in response to a chemical stimulus is termed _____.
The movement of a microorganism or cell in response to a chemical stimulus is termed _____.
微生物(Microorganism)是个体微小、 结构复杂的一类低等生物。
微生物(Microorganism)是个体微小、 结构复杂的一类低等生物。
微生物(Microorganism)是个体微小、 结构复杂的一类低等生物。 A: 正确 B: 错误
微生物(Microorganism)是个体微小、 结构复杂的一类低等生物。 A: 正确 B: 错误
中国大学MOOC: 微生物(Microorganism)是个体微小、 结构复杂的一类低等生物。
中国大学MOOC: 微生物(Microorganism)是个体微小、 结构复杂的一类低等生物。
Which of the following is the most important element of Koch’s germ theory of disease? The animal shows disease symptoms when ( ) A: the animal has been in contact with a sick animal. B: the animal has a lowered resistance. C: a microorganism is observed in the animal. D: a microorganism is inoculated into the animal.
Which of the following is the most important element of Koch’s germ theory of disease? The animal shows disease symptoms when ( ) A: the animal has been in contact with a sick animal. B: the animal has a lowered resistance. C: a microorganism is observed in the animal. D: a microorganism is inoculated into the animal.
Which is the most common microorganism in Acute uncomplicated cystitis? () A: Escherichia coli B: Proteus C: Klebsiella D: Pseudomonas E: Enterobacter
Which is the most common microorganism in Acute uncomplicated cystitis? () A: Escherichia coli B: Proteus C: Klebsiella D: Pseudomonas E: Enterobacter
正常菌群()。 A: B: prokAryotEmiCroorgAnism C: D: miCroorgAnism E: F: normAlflorA G: H: BACtErium I: J: ConDitionEDpAthEgEn
正常菌群()。 A: B: prokAryotEmiCroorgAnism C: D: miCroorgAnism E: F: normAlflorA G: H: BACtErium I: J: ConDitionEDpAthEgEn
Which of the following is common microorganism causing Sub-acute Infective endocarditis ()?() A: staphylococcus B: streptococcus C: enterococci D: gram-negative bacteria E: fungus
Which of the following is common microorganism causing Sub-acute Infective endocarditis ()?() A: staphylococcus B: streptococcus C: enterococci D: gram-negative bacteria E: fungus
微生物(microorganism)形体微小、结构简单、肉眼看不见,必须借助光学显微镜或电子显微镜才能看清,微生物大小一般约( )。
微生物(microorganism)形体微小、结构简单、肉眼看不见,必须借助光学显微镜或电子显微镜才能看清,微生物大小一般约( )。
Which<br/>of the following is common microorganism causing Sub-acute Infective<br/>endocarditis?() A: staphylococcus B: streptococcus C: Enterococci D: gram-negative<br/>bacteria E: fungus
Which<br/>of the following is common microorganism causing Sub-acute Infective<br/>endocarditis?() A: staphylococcus B: streptococcus C: Enterococci D: gram-negative<br/>bacteria E: fungus