We are surprised that you___so rudely. A: should behave B: minght behave C: behave D: should have behaved
We are surprised that you___so rudely. A: should behave B: minght behave C: behave D: should have behaved
In what are women expected to behave?
In what are women expected to behave?
They are emotionally and should behave responsibly.
They are emotionally and should behave responsibly.
Men and women are expected to behave differently.
Men and women are expected to behave differently.
中英互译behave like a grown-up
中英互译behave like a grown-up
It is time that somebody ( teach)______________you to behave yourself.
It is time that somebody ( teach)______________you to behave yourself.
Dick won a prize for good (behave) at kindergarten.
Dick won a prize for good (behave) at kindergarten.
The great majority of the people behave according to the law rule.
The great majority of the people behave according to the law rule.
When asking for help, how should we behave? ( )
When asking for help, how should we behave? ( )
Which word has the meaning of "to behave in a dishonest way"?
Which word has the meaning of "to behave in a dishonest way"?