arXiv是一个预印本系统,在arXiv中检索“Impacting the bioscience progress by backporting software for Bio-Linux ”,查看本篇文章正文中第二句加粗句子是什么? A: A software environment? B: What is Bio-Linux and what is it good for - also its drawbacks: C: The drawback of the workflow: D: How this all affects Bio-Linux?
arXiv是一个预印本系统,在arXiv中检索“Impacting the bioscience progress by backporting software for Bio-Linux ”,查看本篇文章正文中第二句加粗句子是什么? A: A software environment? B: What is Bio-Linux and what is it good for - also its drawbacks: C: The drawback of the workflow: D: How this all affects Bio-Linux?