下面哪条语句创建了一个存有10个整数的vector对象? A: std::vector<int> v(10); B: std::vector v; C: std::vector v[10]; D: std::vector<int> v[10]; E: std::vector(int) v;
下面哪条语句创建了一个存有10个整数的vector对象? A: std::vector<int> v(10); B: std::vector v; C: std::vector v[10]; D: std::vector<int> v[10]; E: std::vector(int) v;
数据类型是标准逻辑位的选择项是( ) A: STD_LOGIC_1164 B: STD_LOGIC_VECTOR C: STD_LOGIC D: LOGIC
数据类型是标准逻辑位的选择项是( ) A: STD_LOGIC_1164 B: STD_LOGIC_VECTOR C: STD_LOGIC D: LOGIC
Based on the attributes of logic, logic can be divided into five types, and which of the following is not the right type?( ) A: Aristotelian logic B: modern inductive logic C: traditional logic, D: mathematical logic
Based on the attributes of logic, logic can be divided into five types, and which of the following is not the right type?( ) A: Aristotelian logic B: modern inductive logic C: traditional logic, D: mathematical logic
If F is a vector field, then divF is a vector field.
If F is a vector field, then divF is a vector field.
PLC英文名称? A: Programmable Logic Controller B: Personal Logic Controller C: Programmable Logic Computer D: Personal Logic Computer
PLC英文名称? A: Programmable Logic Controller B: Personal Logic Controller C: Programmable Logic Computer D: Personal Logic Computer
In the vector field, the vector line is such a curve where ( ) A: The tangent direction at each point on it is orthogonal to the direction of the vector field at that point. B: The tangent direction at each point on it is parallel to the direction of the vector field at that point. C: The value of each point on it is equal to the value of the vector field at that point. D: The vector line is the geometric curve of the vector field function.
In the vector field, the vector line is such a curve where ( ) A: The tangent direction at each point on it is orthogonal to the direction of the vector field at that point. B: The tangent direction at each point on it is parallel to the direction of the vector field at that point. C: The value of each point on it is equal to the value of the vector field at that point. D: The vector line is the geometric curve of the vector field function.
下列创建vector容器对象的方法中,错误的是( ) A: vector v(10); B: vector v(10, 1); C: vector v{10, 1}; D: vector v = (10, 1);
下列创建vector容器对象的方法中,错误的是( ) A: vector v(10); B: vector v(10, 1); C: vector v{10, 1}; D: vector v = (10, 1);
The coordinates of a vector relative to a basis in a vector space is unique.
The coordinates of a vector relative to a basis in a vector space is unique.
用"useradd std"命令添加一个用户,这个用户的主目录是什么?( )。 A: etc/std B: var/std C: home/std D: in/std
用"useradd std"命令添加一个用户,这个用户的主目录是什么?( )。 A: etc/std B: var/std C: home/std D: in/std
用"useradd std"命令添加一个用户,这个用户的主目录是什么? A: /etc/std B: /var/std C: /bin/std D: /home/std
用"useradd std"命令添加一个用户,这个用户的主目录是什么? A: /etc/std B: /var/std C: /bin/std D: /home/std